Last update 29 August, 2013 by Julio Muñoz
Leo Messi is becoming in the last years in the great axis of the Barcelona. By Argentine everything seems to happen. Most of the plays end in him, the goals are his thing and his weight in the dressing room is increasing to unsuspected levels. But, And when is it wrong? What's happening? Well, the Catalan team enters a dangerous spiral becoming a good team but beatable and vulnerable.
That's why, that a question arises that few want to address but that should be taken into account: Is Messi harmful today Barcelona? Would it be advisable to value a billionaire transfer for him?
Bien, let's go by part and expose five arguments for which a possible sale would be shuffled:
– His enormous influence on the game. Messi has already been heard saying that the team should play for him, the real star of the squad. Tello has been the last victim, Villa, Ibrahimovic already suffered it before. It is played by and for Messi, the rest does not exist, barely has the right to claim, especially if they are attackers. This conditions the game to the point of playing without a center forward and running out of references when attacking in static..
– And what is worse in relation to this first aspect. Players are misplaced. His departure would give Neymar spaces, condemned if everything remains the same to play extreme with little ability to associate in the center in what is a huge problem to exploit part of its virtues. His departure, it would give you more freedom and above all, would mean the return of a center forward. And Barcelona, do not forget this, when he has played best has been with a tip, like Eto’o.
– At an economic level. His possible transfer would fill the coffers of a club in need of money which would also be freed from a very high token. Their flight could be compensated with the purchase of new stars, less decisive in the beginning but cheaper. Even, you could buy not a megacrack, but several with the price of the Argentine.
– Power in the dressing room and in the club. Definitely, the most problematic aspect. A player cannot be given so much power because he takes over a club. Rosell is losing in the north on this issue. Messi and his environment have been decisive when it comes to signing Tata Martino and it is he who decides who renews and who does not. Pinto seems to continue for him, Valdés seems to be fed up with him. The Argentine begins to create division in a traditionally united wardrobe.
– The club could play just as well or better. Messi is good, without doubt. His goals, his four golden balls attest to this. But without him, Barcelona could also work. There is the example of Spain and Argentina. Opposites without and with him that have uneven results in recent years.
conclusion: Messi is good, but far from essential. In his day they were not Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Rivaldo or Maradona and Barcelona did not collapse at all.