Last update 3 October, 2013 by Alberto Llopis
Real Madrid Castilla is the bottom of the Second Division. The Madrid subsidiary started the season with seven defeats in the same games. The team led by Toril does not raise its head and could break the negative record in the history of the competition. All this, in a set, which was originally created to contribute players to the first team, but like his millionaire father, has spent money on transfers, blocking the way to some players of the inferiors.
Although he is not going through his best moment, the “factory” what they call the white talent factory, has given great players throughout its history. The bad for the white club, is that most are trained in the white quarry to succeed in other teams. What is the problem?, Why do they spend 100 million in a player who has not really done anything in football and is blocked from young talents of the house?, The answer is Florentino Pérez and his policy lacking in sporting sense, more marketing oriented, the media impact and the sale of t-shirts.
For many years, The white quarry has supplied high-level players to practically all the First and Second Division teams, but nevertheless, few are those who have managed to play in the first team and even less those who have managed to triumph with the white coat, especially in the last 15-20 years.
There have been successes like Raúl and Casillas and other bleeding cases, so much so that some are now international for Vicente Del Bosque. Juan Mata, Negredo and Soldado are the latest example. Both of them, they score in the Premier, in the Spanish team and before they did in the Spanish League. None of them managed to succeed or gain a foothold at Real Madrid, a club that prefers to spend hundreds of billions on players who may not even have the profile and in some cases the talent to play for the white club, at least more than some homegrown players. But the quarry, does not usually sell t-shirts.
We could spend hours talking about names, since the theme gives for it, but what is clear, is that the policy of Real Madrid is far from giving way to its quarry. This year, We can see how Jesé Rodríguez and Morata have few opportunities despite the poor level of people like Benzema. Is the poor performance of Castilla and by extension of other white teams due to Florentino's policy of galactic millionaires or not?. The answer as always, We leave it to you.