The dramatic physical change of Rio Ferdinand

El espectacular cambio físico de Rio Ferdinand
Rio Ferdinand looks spectacular musculature and prepares to debut as a boxer. Foto: The Times

Last update 20 September, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Former England footballer Rio Ferdinand has surprised on social networks with its dramatic physical change. The former defender for many seasons Manchester United and England, has decided to change sport and physical change has been dramatic win 14 kilos of muscle. Ferdinand who lost his wife 34 years in 2015 for cancer, his mother 3 hijos, He said I have had a hard time and now seems to have focused his life doing other sports like boxing, el kick boxing, the weights, triathlon or crossfit.

En 2015, falleciemiento after his wife and a tough personal crisis for it, by former England international, He left professional football. Since then, It has become a professional fitness and publishes all kinds of advice on food, exercise and healthy living. Some of your photos and videos more followed on social networks have been those in showing your workouts at the gym.

Although lately it seems more focused on boxing where it seems that he would be training to debut in a professional bout. Seeing his dramatic muscles, it would not be unusual to see him in a heavyweight bout. And is that many professional footballers, no longer elite athletes when they retire.

rio ferdinand
Rio Ferdinand in one of his boxing workouts. Foto: Boxing News and Views

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