Last update 18 December, 2016 por Alberto Llopis
It is the million dollar question? How should the Spanish teams to Hacienda? What have total debt? Many shadows and few lights. That's what you can say about this thorny issue. The first and perhaps most important is the darkness that conveys the theme. Clubs refuse to make public the total to be even Hacienda is not able to say what they owe Real Madrid or Barcelona for alleged vulnerability to privacy. So we have a bowlegged scenario where everyone interprets and says what he deems it appropriate. Each item in different websites talking about this issue mentions a different amount of debt.
Logical, If you stick to the lack of transparency of clubs and the Treasury itself. Something that harms the image of Spanish football against all citizens and worse to Europe. Ahora bien, if they appear to be a number of more or less related data that should be analyzed. Regarding the total debt, There is no doubt that Real Madrid and Barcelona are the most indebted sets with debts exceeding the 500 millions of euros. Followed by teams like Valencia or Atletico Madrid. The colchoneros have acknowledged a debt of 549 millions of euros, while Valencia has a pending payout figures around the 380 millions of euros. Both clubs were unable to finish their projects for new stadiums and can only sign players, It is logically equipment vendors. Something that clashes with Real Madrid and Barcelona, that despite their outstanding accounts fichan to hit book as if they were completely sanitized accounts.
Different attitudes and permissions granted by the League, UEFA institutions and. Because away from these four teams, no one can spend the least. to do it, UEFA and the League itself penalize them harshly, even denying them play in Europe. And all this despite having lower debts, Case Málaga (37.5 millions) or Mallorca (85,2), although in both cases can not afford multi-million dollar transfers to other clubs.
In that sense, it seems no one competes on an equal. Villareal and Sevilla desperately not to sell more debt account and are competing in unequal opportunities regarding assemblies that are owed and not them “nothing happens”. Something like what happens Levante, whose viability plan is making him a model of management in recent seasons.
Of course these debts, where the Zaragoza would be separate chapter, There is also a special section for Finance. And it is that tax collection agency will fail partly accounts for the unfortunate situation facing clubs of First and Second Division.
Aquí, Atletico Madrid computes debt 120 millions of euros, seguida de los 90 Deportivo and 35 from Real Betis. The worst thing is that the Treasury itself refuses to disclose the debts of Madrid and Barcelona “given the small number of clubs that have no consideration of Sociedad Anonima Deportiva, It could violate the confidentiality imposed by law, to allow indirect identification of the debt of any particular club”.
A surprising decision taking advantage of a loophole but far from providing clarity suggests even larger racket to the accounts of the two largest, juicy presumably they have outstanding debts with the Treasury.
What solution is?
So with this scenario the situation is dramatic. In Second Division B, there are many teams on the verge of disappearance and Primera have a lot of explaining of why teams can sign heavily indebted billionaires signings and other non. Obviously the treatment is uneven, the growing sport differences. Even, You can say that Barcelona and Madrid have an advantage over other European rivals, more accused by their national treasuries.
League resents all this and worse. Nobody does anything to solve it. Quizás, which was the best league in the world is running behind the Premier, of the Bundesliga, of the League 1 French and even Calcio. The times change.