A referee is attacked and pulls a gun on half of the match

Un árbitro es agredido y saca una pistola en mitad del partido
The referee who drew the gun in Brazil. Foto: Youtube capture

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

It happened in Brazil, in the amateur regional championship in Mina Gerais in such a surreal scene as dangerous. Played two amateur teams, the East and the Industrial arbitration under Camilo Eustaquio, an unknown referee who has acquired fame but do not know if for good after this unfortunate at the same unusual incident.  Eustaquio awarded a penalty in that game amateur, He was attacked and decided to take a gun in the middle of the game.

missing a 15 minutes to the end of the match when the referee gave a penalty against Industrial. Players protested and the confusion the referee received an aggression. Neither short nor lazy, Camilo Eustaquio which according to Brazilian media is Military Police, where he ran his belongings, He opened his backpack and pulled out a gun. The alleged assailant, He is seeing the armed trencilla left the field almost lightning speed. A regrettable incident at the same time almost humorous. It is not the first time it happens in the Brazilian amateur football.

football hung

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