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Footballers in court: Should clubs to punish players who break the law?

Last update 27 September, 2013 by Julio Muñoz

He came to Messi to court to testify Gava for alleged tax evasion and the tsunami struck. Hundreds of people massed outside the court awaited the arrival of the star to cheer him acclaim and. To the cry of Messi Messi, The Argentine player got out of the car and as some regional president did in his day, as in his day also did some member of the Crown and many other politicians, he did it with a smile.

Far from being bad news to go to court, the arrival seemed like the entrance to a party, to a mere procedure where everything would go well. thumb up, a few words to the public and more cheering. For that, He was the protagonist of the party as other politicians and important figures were in his day.

Parece que ir al juzgado es ir a una fiesta.
It seems that going to court is going to a party.

It is not the first time that a footballer goes to court, far from it will be the last. Five years ago we saw David Albelda come to them in full conflict with his own entity for not playing. Karin Benzema did it for speeding when driving her vehicle at 216 kilometers per hour on the highway of the M-40.

Albelda denunció al Valencia en su día.
Albelda denunció al Valencia en su día.

Occurs in Spain, but also in Italy, Europe in general and America. All over the world, footballers are people and as such sometimes make mistakes seriously and others slightly. Money is usually a bad adviser and failing is usually easier when your pocket is full of possibilities. However, no less important is to say that they are highly relevant public figures and that there are many children who admire and imitate them. For this reason, Should clubs penalize players who break the law?? And if you don't club it, yes at least the LFP, UEFA or even FIFA?

Personalmente, I think if. It is true that in other jobs it does not happen and that a plumber or locksmith will not be disqualified from his job for driving more or less quickly or for evading or not taxes. But soccer is special. If you want to give an image of a sane and strong society, It cannot be allowed that the best footballers are not sanctioned by their own clubs or by the federations. And much less can it be allowed to come with laughter. The oven for buns is not there.

Michael Ballack fue juzgado por exceso de velocidad.
Michael Ballack was tried for speeding.
Julio Muñoz
Julio Muñoz
Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982

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