Juanmi Callejon wants to play with the selection of Bolivia

Juanmi Callejón quiere jugar con la selección de Bolivia
Juanmi Callejon has made it clear he wants to play with the selection of Bolivia. FOTO: Football All

Last update 29 May, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Juanmi Callejon wants to play with the selection of Bolivia. Although it is an issue that is already ringing for several years, Spanish player does not have Bolivian nationality. He twin brother of José Callejón, He has again expressed his desire to play with the selection of Bolivia, something that was said before his departure to the Arab football (in between 2016 y 2018) and it has not yet been produced.

In an interview with several media, the player made clear his desire to wear the shirt of the country that has welcomed. “I want to give back all the love you gave me this country. I would play with Selection of Bolivia, Now they go to Copa America, en 2020 there is another and soon they will start the World Cup qualifiers. You have to have a child here and now my wife is pregnant. We do not know if born in Bolivia, but it is a possibility” said the Spanish attacker.

Llegó en 2013 in the landing of Spanish coaches and footballers in Bolivian football

In the year 2013 Bolivar reached with other Spanish players like Capdevila and Edu Moya and technical and Miguel Ángel Portugal. En 2016, He fulfilled the first requirement to nationalize Bolivia, spending three years in the country, but in that period he went to Saudi Arabia to play in the Ettifaq so the issue stood. Until his return in January 2018.

Ahora Juanmi Callejón is clear he wants to play in the selection of Bolivia. And is that despite the particularities of La Paz, a 3600 m high and the country in general, the Spanish feel very happy and want to return to their host country all the affection on the field.

Will we see another alley playing with the selection of Bolivia? To his 32 years must hurry to try to get at least one big date with the green jersey South American country.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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