1Win and Gaming Associations: Exploring partnerships between 1Win and gaming companies or developers

1Win y las Asociaciones de Juego: Explorando las asociaciones entre 1Win y las empresas de juego o desarrolladores

Last update 28 January, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

If you play in the 1Win app and you are aware of the iGaming industry, You've probably heard about the benefits of partnerships between betting and gaming companies.. Al fin y al cabo, affiliate marketing is the secret to the growth of the gaming industry. It's like having ambassadors in different markets on different continents, that cater to players with preferences, Different cultural backgrounds and gaming behaviors. Let's take a closer look at this interesting topic..

Affiliate programs in the gaming sector

Affiliate Marketing Offers Greater Reach, profitable marketing and growth. Allows both parties (betting and gambling) reach global markets, since affiliates promote their iGaming software while paying commissions based on the results.


Yes, Sometimes there can be problems in managing these affiliate programs for iGaming companies. But it's not worth worrying. This guide, backed by 1Win bet experts, is designed to simplify the process and offers step-by-step information, tips and future trends. Whether you are an experienced trader or just getting started in the world of online betting, This article will help you harness the power of affiliate marketing in the iGaming industry..

What is a betting affiliate program?

The affiliate program 1 Win betting for companies in the iGaming sector works as a dynamic partnership between the online betting platform and affiliates. These affiliates, often referred to as target affiliates, promote iGaming software, increasing traffic and conversions in exchange for lucrative commissions.

Here's how iGaming affiliate programs typically work:

  • Membership structure: Online casinos or betting platforms, for example 1Win bets, create associations with people or entities known as affiliates. Affiliates act as marketing partners, promoting casino services through various channels.
  • Affiliate promotion: Affiliates use websites, social networks or blogs to promote the gaming platform. They create content, reviews or advertising banners to attract potential players.
  • Performance-Based Pay: This is a key feature of affiliate marketing in the gaming sector. Affiliates earn commissions based on the actions of the players they attract. Por ejemplo, check in, deposit money or bet.
  • Monitoring and analysis: Affiliate programs typically use robust tracking systems to monitor the performance of each affiliate. They ensure accurate calculation of commissions and help perform error analysis to optimize the joint program. Advantages of creating a casino and betting affiliate program

Los casinos en línea, Sports betting and other gambling affiliate programs offer a number of advantages to iGaming platforms. Let's list the main.

Greater reach and traffic

A well-structured affiliate program acts as a powerful marketing tool, Making the most of affiliate networks and reach. Affiliates attract traffic that may not have been reached through traditional marketing channels, which translates into greater visibility and traffic to the casino platform.

Marketing rentable

Affiliate programs operate on a results-based model: Affiliates only receive commissions for completing certain actions. In consecuense, los costes de marketing se corresponden con los resultados reales, lo que hace que esta estrategia sea rentable para plataformas de iGaming como 1Win Chile y otras.

Aumento de los ingresos

Los afiliados contribuyen significativamente a la generación de ingresos. Las comisiones suelen basarse en un porcentaje de los ingresos generados por los jugadores referidos. Este enfoque crea una asociación mutuamente beneficiosa.

Generación de confianza y conocimiento de la marca

Los socios generan confianza entre los jugadores a través de sus contenidos y promociones. Colaborar con socios reputados genera confianza y reconocimiento de marca para la plataforma de apuestas o el casino.

Modelo de comisiones

A results-based payment structure ensures that operators only pay for actual results, making it a low risk marketing strategy. In place of shows, betting operators only pay commissions for the desired actions.

Challenges of iGaming Affiliate Programs

iGaming affiliate programs face a series of challenges that affect their effectiveness and success.. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Compliance and regulation: Navigating the complex laws and regulations of the online gaming industry around the world is a significant challenge. Affiliate programs must ensure compliance to avoid legal problems and maintain a positive reputation.
  • Fraud prevention: iGaming affiliate programs are vulnerable to fraud, including click fraud and affiliate fraud. Establishing strong fraud prevention measures is essential to maintaining program integrity and protecting revenue, both the company and its clients.
  • Finding the right partners: Identifying the right partners that fit the brand and target audience is a common challenge. Building a network of effective and trusted partners takes time, resources and careful selection.
  • Compensation structure: Determining the right commission structure and compensation system for affiliates can be challenging.. It is important to find a balance between motivating partners and maintaining profitability.
  • Integridad de la marca: Mantener la coherencia de los mensajes, los contenidos y la integridad de la marca en todos los afiliados puede ser un reto. Desviarse de los valores de la marca puede ser perjudicial para su imagen.

El futuro de los programas de afiliación de iGaming

El futuro de la relación entre las empresas de apuestas y el iGaming es muy prometedor. Los afiliados atraen público a plataformas amigas compartiendo información sobre los juegos disponibles y las recompensas. Dado el rápido crecimiento previsto de las apuestas en línea en 2024, el marketing de afiliación se convertirá en una parte aún más integral del sector del iGaming.

Las nuevas tendencias, como los formatos de juego interactivos, innovative workflows and expansion into new geographic regions, are evident. The scale of iGaming offers affiliates many opportunities, leading to the attraction of more high-level influencers in the sector. This cooperation is beneficial for both parties.


Affiliates play a key role in building trust among players. If you want to increase your website traffic, create affiliate programs for your iGaming software. Affiliates overcome geographical and time barriers and promote their online betting site to a global audience. The more players register on your platform, more income you will generate in the long term.

If you are in the iGaming industry, be sure to visit our 1Win Chile. It is a proven gaming venue with a multi-million dollar user base. And it comes from all over the world. Here players are offered the best conditions, including a welcome bonus. Además, apart from the bets, The operator's website includes a section with the 1Win casino. If you want to know more about the company and its offers, check our 1Win review.

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