Can sexual orientation affect sports career?

¿Puede la orientación sexual afectar a la carrera deportiva?
Robbie Rogers came out of the closet. FOTO: 20 MINUTES

Last update 25 November, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

robbier rogers
Robbie Rogers came out of the closet. FOTO: 20 MINUTES

Elite athletes are considered role models. Society sees in them an example of improvement and effort. They are admired for their work and enjoy popular support when they reach the top. Precisely because they are considered examples, there are those who in the 21st century still do not accept that an athlete is homosexual. The term LGBT is not yet in their dictionary and they refuse to admire an athlete if he is gay, lesbian or tranny. En efecto, sexual orientation can affect the sports career of a person with a promising future, hence many athletes refuse to talk about their private life. Let's see this matter in depth.

Discrimination against LGBT people: how it impacts on sport

The world of sport, a día de hoy, remains quite airtight and conservative. Those who dare to speak publicly about their sexual orientation know well what they are exposed to. Many will forget their achievements and triumphs and will only focus on that facet of the athlete. And there are those who, currently, they don't want their favorite footballer to be gay. Soccer is a sport for men and to be homosexual is to be a little less, they argue.

Knowing in advance that a statement about your sexual orientation will monopolize a good number of covers for days, many athletes choose to be silent. Those who are climbing in their sports career and especially those who are in the first steps of their professional career prefer to hide it for fear that it will prevent them from pursuing their dreams.

Por supuesto, This situation is especially sensitive in those countries where sexual diversity is not normalized in the institutions. In countries like Spain or Germany, With laws that protect the rights of LGBT people, perhaps this reality is not as black as in others where these groups are ignored.

But there is not only the fear of what the audience will say, but also in front of the teammates themselves. Will I bother them in the locker room? Will they comment on me? The idea is to avoid these situations as much as possible.

How footballers can avoid loneliness

Soccer players and professional athletes in general spend a lot of time with their team. The many trips, concentrations and matches, en ocasiones, can make it difficult to meet new people, since they don't want to be discovered by their peers. Afortunadamente, The Internet and the new forms of communication have the answer so that they can continue adding contacts.

There are endless pages of casual dating where athletes can be themselves and let go. The advantages of registering with these sites are numerous, but above all they can be sure of the discretion, something that, probably, they will value a lot. They are the ones who decide which photos to upload and what part of their life they want to share with the rest of the community.

Sin lugar a dudas, dating sites are the best formula to combat loneliness in which, en muchas ocasiones, they look engulfed.

More and more contact websites are expanding their audience and, in fact, most of them are suitable for LGBT users. This means they don't have to be scouring the internet for dating sites. gay friendly.

Famous LGBT soccer players

Although most cases do not come to light, the reality is that in the world of soccer there are quite a few homosexual players. Knowing who they are can help other footballers, so they know they are not alone. Let's see some of the most prominent names:

  • Liam davis. Not many footballers in the world have openly declared their homosexuality. English National League player Liam Davis made it public with only 23 años.
  • Thomas Hitzlsperger. This German footballer preferred to wait until he retired from football to proclaim his homosexuality. As he confessed, your personal acceptance process was not easy.
  • Robbie Rogers. This former American footballer confessed just before saying goodbye to football that he was homosexual. after a while, He signed the LA Galaxy club for him.
  • Matt Pacifici. This former soccer player has been one of the last to come out publicly from the closet. He did it in 2019.
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