Last update 23 January, 2019 by Alberto Llopis
It comes to light an audio Emiliano Sala. The whereabouts and status of Emiliano Sala remains unknown state after the disappearance of his plane at night 21 of January of 2019. Argentine striker, He sent a note as audio voice 'Whatssap’ from the plane according to the Argentine half desvelado ‘daily Olé‘ and reproducing the ‘Chain Being‘.
Room was not comfortable with the aircraft which had to travel
“I'm here on the planethat seems to be falling apart for and I'm going to Cardiff. If in an hour and a half do not have my own news, I do not know if they will send someone to pick me because I will not find but… they already know. ¡Papá! What fear I have…” were some of the words that the Argentine striker left recorded voice memo.
Search efforts continue on Wednesday 23 January at sunrise, although hopes are dwindling.