El Ajax 2019, So good as 1995?

El Ajax 2019, ¿tan bueno como el de 1995?
"El Ajax 1995 and that of 2019"

Last update 17 April, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Louis Van Gaal told, the father of that generation in October before the Dutch team will face Bayern Munich. “El Ajax 2019 It is as good as 1995” He said the veteran coach and the truth is that few or no one took him seriously. Now after eliminating Real Madrid and Juventus it seems that his words have made more sense.

El Ajax 1995, a legendary team

that team, He won the European Cup 1995 and did so with a spectacular generation. Football lovers will remind gemelos de Boer, to finish, Litmamen, Seedorf, Davids, Kluivert, Frank Rijkaard, Danny Blind, Van Der Saar y Overmars among others. And he did win the Milan a year earlier had beaten Barcelona in Athens 4 a 0.

A team of legend, with big names, he left the bar high. Por ello, Van Gaal comparison with the current generation says a lot. En octubre de 2018, when Ajax was going to face Bayern Munich, I said in an interview that the current team is as good as 1995. And you know what happened? People laughed at me”He said in an interview revista Doll.

Now everyone starts to take seriously Tadic, Neres, Ziyech, the Lies, De Jong, Schöne and Van de Beek and start seeing them as favorites to win the Champions. Van Gaal something that was already clear before the start of the maximum international competition.

Ajax 2019
El Ajax 2019 He promises much as the 1995. FOTO: collage Brand


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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