Alvaro Dominguez to leave football 27 años

Álvaro Domínguez deja el fútbol a los 27 años
Alvaro Dominguez announced on Twitter that retires from football.

Last update 6 December, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Borussia Monchengladbach defender Alvaro Dominguez retires from football to 27 años. The former Atletico Madrid player whose career has developed in recent seasons in German football, He announced via a video on his personal Twitter leaving football because of injuries sustained. In a short but sincere video, the player confessed to having had to play the last few years in appalling conditions for playing football and that his body has paid those consequences.

In two messages on his Twitter account (in Spanish and German) giving the player has surprised the news. Alvaro Dominguez played 4 years at Atletico Madrid whose quarry out, Borussia Mönchengldbach and the Spanish national team. He also played with the SUB 21 and he was in the London Olympics 2012 combined with Spanish. To the 27 years has said enough. This is the message that has posted on his Twitter.

football hung

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