How does the legitimacy of an online casino work in Spain??

¿Cómo funciona la legidad de un casino online en España?

Last update 13 July, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Thanks to the technological innovations that our society has experienced in recent years, The gambling sector has enjoyed rapid growth since the emergence of online casinos, digital platforms that provide their users with access to games and bets of all kinds for which, previamente, you had to go to a physical location. On the website of you will find some of the most popular of the moment.

With the great growth that these services have experienced, Many doubts have arisen related to their safety and legality., reluctance that can prevent the vast majority of players from enjoying a great gaming experience. In Spain, These online casinos are highly regulated by current regulations, through which we seek to guarantee the highest level of transparency and protection possible, at the same time offering measures implemented so that the player avoids falling into gambling behavior.

Pero, How are these online casinos regulated??

Por norma general, any online casino that wants to operate in Spain must comply with the measures established by the Gambling Regulation Law. The public body responsible for supervising compliance with these regulations is the General Directorate of Gambling Regulation., o DGs. All online casino web platforms must comply with a series of strict regulations that ensure the protection of public order, as well as the fight against fraud, prevention of addictive behaviors and guarantee, at the same time, the rights of both minors and all players.

How do you get a license?

To be able to operate in Spain, Online casinos must comply with a series of regulations that give them access to a license, certificate that guarantees fair play on said platform, as well as security when operating with the data of its users and with the deposits and withdrawals of money that they wish to carry out.. Asimismo, The protection of minors and other vulnerable groups that participate in the games is also sought. , in addition to the greatest possible clarity in the terms and conditions established by the online casino.

License types

We find, así, two different types of license for online casinos that can be issued by the General Directorate of Gambling Regulation:

General licenses: those that enable the holder to participate in the different types of betting games and contests
Unique licenses: those that enable their holder to exploit the regulated game that is included within the scope of each general license. To acquire it, a general license is required.

About the safety of online casino players

With the arrival and popularization of online casinos, began to emerge increasing concerns regarding the security of its users. That is why these digital platforms must have sufficient cybersecurity measures so that their players are not affected by the action of software malicious that may violate your privacy and/or endanger your income. This protection is guaranteed by updating the software used by the platform to maintain its operation, thus subjecting it to constant reviews in order to avoid any fraud or scam that could endanger the experience of its players..

Remember to register only on those official casino pages that have a certain reputation and are trustworthy. To check its reliability, You can check if the official Safe Play seal is visible anywhere on its platform.

What payment methods should online casinos use?

Another of the obligations that all online casinos must comply with and that is an essential requirement to guarantee a safe experience., as stipulated in current regulations, it's based on facilitate payment methods that are secure for your users. A) Yes, Every online casino that operates in Spain must provide a secure method to carry out payments and withdrawals., such as those that make use of platforms with a long history such as, por ejemplo, PayPal and Skrill, as well as payments with prepaid cards, debit and credit.

Transparency guarantees

Customer service is one of the most important departments that every online casino must have.. The DGs points out that all these online gaming platforms must be able communicate at any time with the responsible company of your management quickly and efficiently, counting for this with a customer service that is available the 24 hours of the day, los 365 days of the year.

During the confinement caused by the health crisis in 2020, la DGs introduced new regulations to ensure the best possible experience in online casinos. These modifications were related, mainly, with advertising and promotion of welcome bonuses, which ended up being banned. Pese a esto, There are still different types of bonds, but special attention should be paid to the terms and conditions before accepting them since, no matter how attractive they may be, may have wagering requirements

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