Dani Ceballos loan to Betis until end of season

Dani Ceballos cedido al Betis hasta final de temporada

Last update 28 December, 2020 por Alberto Llopis


ceballos betisBetis already has its winter signing of bells, nothing more and nothing less than the return of the prodigal son. Real Betis Arsenal and Real Madrid have reached an agreement so that the pearl of the Betis quarry will return to Betis on loan until 30 de junio. The player would thus ensure the minutes necessary to go to the Eurocup 2021.

Ceballos vuelve a casa

The amount of the transaction between 500.000 y 1 millón de euros. Ceballos thus returns to his house from where he left in 2017 to sign for Real Madrid. Betis fans, They await you with open arms and already preparing an epic welcome.

And if you have not noticed, dear reader, today is day 28 from December, Day of the Holy Innocents and of course this is a joke. Hopefully take it with humor.

bromas inocente inocente

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