Betis takes Pablo Sarabia paying Clause

El Betis se lleva a Pablo Sarabia pagando su cláusula

Last update 28 December, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Pablo Sarabia played at Real Betis. The set Betis and hits very hard way to his eternal rival with the signing of Sevilla player for which he will pay his clause. Al parecer, the irresistible game Quique Setien has possession of love midfielder undoubtedly, It has not been able to resist the mine yours eternal proposed by the cantabro.

“TOP Setien is a trainer and if I want, I go with eyes closed” He has reached to recognize a Sarabia excited about his arrival at Betis. “I am excited to be working with one of the best coaches in the world, possession has me excited”, he came to recognize visibly excited Sarabia.

Como es obvio querido lector, today is 28 from December and this is a cleared, hope you enjoy the day and do not mess a lot of goals like this.

bromas inocente inocente

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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