The unknown goal Maradona

El desconocido gol de Maradona

Last update 11 October, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Have you seen or heard them talking about this unknown goal Maradona? Possibly the goal against England in Mexico 86 is the best of both his career. Also memorable is the while He marked with Barcelona at the Santiago Bernabeu leaving goalkeeper and defense seated, as well as many goals he scored in his career with the selection and the Naples in the Italian league.

However in Colgados of football we want to stay with a bit of a Maradona that was not even recognized as a world-class player, but already he gave warning of what was to be.

Maradona's unknown best goal in his entire career was at the beginning of his career

It happened in a game of league Argentina, between Boca Juniors and Guaraní Antonio Franco. It was said that people attending the courts not to watch the game, but to watch Maradona. And under what happened, They might be right. El referee gave the start of the meeting, his companion he made the first step and Diego sin pensarselo dos veces, with He made a few dabs with the ball and inside. From midfield. Bestial. Sin palabras.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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