Miguel Calero dies, former goalkeeper of the Colombian national team

Last update 5 December, 2012 por Alberto Llopis

Almost twelve hours after his brain death was confirmed, Colombian soccer player Miguel Calero died at noon on Tuesday. In a statement published on its official page, the Mexican club indicated that “hereby, Grupo Pachuca deeply regrets to report that this Tuesday noon 4 of December of 2012, the maximum symbol of the Tuzos, Miguel Angel Calero Rodriguez has passed away”.

One day before, in another statement, the Pachuca club had said “after having carried out the corresponding studies and analyzes, we inform that the technical director of goalkeepers, of the Pachuca Group, Miguel Angel Calero Rodriguez, is brain dead. From this moment on, he will continue in intensive care under life support measures.”.

Calero, de 41 años, suffered the 25 November a thrombosis of the right carotid artery.
Doctors were optimistic at first, emphasizing that his life was not in danger.. Sin embargo, his health condition began to worsen four days later.

The news has caused deep consternation as he was a much loved and popular player., both in his country where he defended the goal of Colombia, as for the fans of Pachuca.

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