Brazilian football proposes measures to secure the future of Chapecoense

El fútbol brasileño propone medidas para asegurar el futuro del Chapecoense
Brazilian football will turn to help Chapecoense continue its existence and regenerate.

Last update 29 November, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2016, Chapecoense was for betting connoisseurs and international soccer fans the revelation team of the year in South America. However, he was unknown to the general public that consumes football in Europe. Since then and after getting to know all the stories that have enveloped the club since the terrible plane crash near Medellin, the modest Brazilian club that went to play the first international final in its history, It has become known throughout the world football.

Life has these things and “Escape” as it is known in Brazil, He has suffered the biggest blow in its history at the time of his existence, when they were on top and had become the South American revelation. That's why, Brazilian football can not let the club after being dismembered disappear almost completely and to help prevent Chapecoense and the picture disappears, have developed a series of proposals for the club can be regenerated in the coming years.

The measures that have signed clubs like Corinthians, el Santos, Palmeiras and Portuguesa, It has two very important points:

-totally free loan players for the year 2017.

-the Brazilian Confederation formal solicitation for the Chapacoense is not subject to drop to Serie B of the Brazilian Championship in the next three seasons.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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