The most ridiculous goal of the year

El gol más ridículo del año
The most ridiculous goal the goalkeeper starred in Duisburg. Foto: Captura / Youtube

Last update 25 February, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

No stupid plays and absurd goals but certainly the one led by the Dutch goalkeeper Mark Flekken Duisburg takes the cake. He was the protagonist of the most ridiculous goal so far this year and possibly one of the most absurd of the history of football at the professional level and who served to tie the game Ingolstad, German Second. Al final, the triumph of Duisburg(2-1) He downplayed this absurd play.

minute played 18 that party when Mark Flekken went to drink water from a bottle that had incomprehensibly in its goal, totally ignoring the game unfolding on the opponent's area. A defender of Ingolstadt, He launched a long ball from their area to the goal area defending Flekken.

A defender Duisburg gave the ball head waiting for the Dutch goalkeeper was in place and the ball cogiera. But the goal was within the goal completely oblivious to play, drinking water. Stefan Kutschke was the cleverest and ran toward the goal to push the ball and score, in the face of Fools players and fans Duisburg and Flekken to a petrified like a statue.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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