Grandes fluffy League: Thomas Vermaelen

Grandes pufos de la Liga: Thomas Vermaelen
Thomas Vermaelen did not enjoy a good career in Barcelona. FOTO:

Last update 12 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Thomas Vermaelen He was one of the last signings of a Zubizarreta who was fired from Barcelona before the end of a season that ended successfully despite some big mistakes when it came to making the squad.

One was fish from Arsenal in the summer of 2014 a Belgian player who already accumulated long history of injuries and lost games this reason from 2011. Something that later made him one of the worst signings in the history of Barcelona.

A career as culé marked by injuries

The result already know it all is that the player debuted in the day 38 of League 2014-15, It ie in the last match where Barcelona is not playing anything but his opponent, Deportivo La Coruna if. Nada más y nada menos que 62 minutes with the zamarra of Barcelona for a player who was called to reinforce the defense of one of the most powerful teams of the planet.

Upon arrival was injured and the plague of injuries that had plagued him for years followed to Barcelona preventing the player pay. A situation as we have said, He came on his record but that did not stop a Zubizarreta that was in the air. It was the first signing of this type which was once the porter of the Spanish Selection, Barcelona, Athletic and Valencia.

Thomas Vermaelen's numbers at Barcelona

In the end the Belgian was between 2014 y 2016 with a loan to Roma in the 2016-17 and between 2017 y 2019. En total disputó 73 matches like culé in 5 years of contract and marked 2 goles. after being free, signed for him Vissel Kobe from japan to 2021 who retired and became part of the coaching staff of the Belgium national team.

Thomas Vermaelen Barcelona
Thomas Vermaelen did not have a good career as a culé. FOTO:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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