Last update 18 November, 2022 by Alberto Llopis
Hector Castro, “The Divine Manco”, went down in football history for being the first player to score a goal with the Uruguayan shirt in a world over there 1930 when he made a goal to Peru that also served to win the match 1 a 0. but Hector “The one-armed” Castro said apart from being one of the best players of his time, for being the first player with a handicap that was passing in football elite. And is that Castro accidentally cut his arm with a saw when he 13 years.
Hector Castro, the Divine Manco who made history in Uruguayan football
Born in Montevideo a 29 November 1904, the lack of his right forearm was never a problem to succeed in football early twentieth century. He was champion Uruguay in the Copa America 1926 y 1935, of the Olympics of 1928 and the first World Cup ever, the disputed in 1930 charrúas precisely lands. He also won several local championships with the shirt of Nacional, club where he was an idol.

After hanging up the spoils of the time, he coached among others National selection and Uruguay which trained at 1959, a year before his death. Spanish parents, Galician for more details, who emigrated to Montevideo in search of a better future, Castro had to start working at a young age to help his family. Precisely for this, He cut off part of his arm accidentally while working with a saw when he was a child
An example of overcoming
Despite this, He went on to become one of the first cracks in the history of the sport since the lack of his arm, He never prevented him from succeeding. The chronicles of the time that he even take advantage of his stump with which, impacted in the face of rivals in disputes and jumps on a football much more physical contact and even that we know today. In 1960 when I only had 55 years, Hector “The one-armed” Castro, He left this world after suffering a heart attack and definitely passing football history. A man or a terrible event prevented fulfill their dreams.