The decline of Levante: 1 victory 20 parties

La decadencia del Levante: 1 victoria en 20 partidos
With the most regrettable numbers that are remembered in First in recent years and without falling into decline or stopping the coach. The strange decline of the Levant. Foto: Twitter Levante UD

Last update 27 February, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Levante lost again again, another day without win. Something that would not be so dramatic if it were not for the lead granotas 13 games without a win and in the last 20 parties, He has just won 1 y también, son 5 levantinistas months that have not won at home. O lo que es lo mismo, a full turn winless at home. And what's more surprising, is that with those numbers today, nor the club has ceased to Juan Ramon Lopez Muniz, el entrenador, nor the team has fallen into decline, it's more, still more demerits of rivals than on merit, out of the relegation zone.

Either way, granota give a feeling of dead team that frightens the parish of Orriols and not worth the argument of not having fallen into decline. Now gives the feeling that the Levante players are unable to win a game and the disastrous sport planning has been uncovered in summer and winter. A team that managed to get 9 points in 5 parties and has only been able to take 11 in the following 20 meetings. Some numbers simply unfortunate.

It seems that if the Levante not give a change of direction seems sooner or later doomed to fall on the descent and what is worse for the fans levantinistas, it seems that nobody is able to make a decision to change a situation that has neither head nor tail. We'll see what happens.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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