He scored two goals, He requested the change and went to see the birth of his son in the game

Metió dos goles, pidió el cambio y se fue a ver el nacimiento de su hijo en pleno partido
Scored two goals, He asked for the change and left to see his son being born in the middle of the game. Foto: Twitter

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

English football is different, sin duda, anyone in the world. What happened in a game of Football League One, third tier of English football, proves it. The unusual character of this story was Ryan Colclough, just a young lad 22 years who despite his girlfriend was about to give birth in a hospital, He fulfilled his professional duty and played the match that his team, el Wigan, He should play against Doncaster.

Although this was not the situation as peculiar as extraordinary that he, if he not left the hospital in the middle of the game without changing, dress footballer including shin guards, to see the birth of his offspring. Ryan Colclough after scoring two goals in the victory of his team 3-0 and celebrate as if rocked a baby, requested change, to go to the bench and run without changing clothes, en route to hospital, where her baby would be born. “The rest received a message that the couple had broken waters.

As soon as she got his second goal his head was no longer in the field, It was elsewhere ", Leam Richardson reported, Wigan assistant coach. So I said that, He scored his second, it held and went straight to the hospital as it was to leave his son a curious first image with his father, Wigan footballer dress.

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