Former Egyptian player dies while commenting on the match of his team against Saudi

Muere ex jugador egipcio mientras comentaba el partido de su selección ante Arabia
The match between Egyptian and Saudi Arabia left a sad news related indirectly. Foto: RT

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Sad news indirectly related to the World Russia 2018 which comes from Egypt. As they reported by means of the African country, former player and coach Mohamed Abdel Rehim died of a heart attack last Monday night while commenting on the match between the national team against Saudi Arabia and ended with victory for the Saudis 1 goal to 2.

Mohamed, who currently he was serving as a commentator for an Egyptian chain, He was commenting on the game and began to feel ill after Arabia's second goal in the final minute. The Saudi team scored the winning goal and was at that time, when Abdel Rehim Mohamed began to feel ill and was taken to hospital where they eventually die.

“He asked us we switched off the air conditioning and tried to go to the bathroom, but could not, then he fell and has not returned us answer never”, his companion said transmission, former goalkeeper of the Egyptian national team, Ahmed Fauzi. Egyptian coach, Argentine Hector Cuper, He expressed condolences at the news.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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