“If you do not sell me, I break myself crossed”

“Si no me venden, me romperé los cruzados a mí mismo”
Dimitri Payet : "I swear on the head of my penis that I will not wear the shirt of West Ham". Foto: Daily Star

Last update 18 January, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

“I swear on the head of my penis that I will not wear the shirt of West Ham”, so graphic the great French player Dimitri Payet was expressed to communicate the desire I had to change clubs and city. In this particular case, London Marseille. Which it was one of the stars of Euro France 2016, He decided to try and force his transfer in the winter market 2017.

I'm a human being, I have the right to choose my future. And I see my future at Marseille”, French argued in a world, the one of football, where where you will play a footballer, It depends not only on the interests of the player. His desire to leave the English club are so many, even he threatened to self injury. “If you do not sell me, I break myself crossed” It has come to declare.

With these threats, it is logical that the player runs out in Marseille wearing the shirt of Olympique, which it has already offered more than 22 millions of euros. What will not be very good is the image of Payet own for fans of West Ham. Some have already come to burn his shirt and even a worse atrocity.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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