Forecasts for Laliga Santander 2019 – 2020

Pronósticos para LaLiga Santander 2019 – 2020

Last update 4 August, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Ya ha comenzado la Liga de Primera División y con ello comienzan también los Football betting tips con la posibilidad de apostar en cada jornada a través de la casa de apuesta deportiva llamada Marathonbet. Los sports forecasts son difíciles de averiguar pero podemos tirar de histórico, statistics and find the most likely bets.

What is expected of Laliga Santander?

Los pronósticos We are situated in a very exciting championship and clear favorite teams to win the tournament. Within this parameter, encontramos al Barcelona as core team a revalidar el trofeo. This is because since 2005 has won 10 league championships. This team expect a year of change and will have to prove they are the rivals to beat.

Secondly, nos topamos con el Real Madrid, team that has just won a trophy in the last seven. Eso sí, siempre es un claro favorito a conquistar el torneo puesto que siempre ofrece rather fight to Barcelona. Han conseguido renewed and with new signings pueden ser el nuevo equipo ganador. If you want to return to glory, will need to confirm and establish it on the football field.

Third and on merit, otro de los favoritos a conquistar el campeonato es el Atlético de Madrid. It is obvious that this team is a clear candidate for results in recent years. And he got the miracle 2014 de break the streak of the two Spanish giants y reclamar su sitio. With his coach Simeone desire and no lack of quality.

Although he has not won a title in the last decade, tras su triunfo en la recent final of the Copa del Rey, el Valencia podría dar la sorpresa e imponer a los tres favoritos. This machine has a few years of change and uncertainty but it seems that everything becomes like the golden years and is a strong candidate to win any title. Eso sí, aprendiendo de los past mistakes y asentando su plantilla.

The closure of the transfer market

Hazard, De Jong, Joao Félix, Griezmann… are some of the big names who have left the transfer market 2019. All teams have been strengthened to cope with a new season presumed most competitive than in previous years. Las primeras jornadas de liga They are a good example of this: Madrid and Barca have only won one of the three matches so far.

Candidates for the decline and give the stroke

Others Laliga forecasts tienen siempre relación con el descenso. El Mallorca es un recién ascendido pero siempre coquetea con la zona baja del campeonato y eso los convierte en candidates down. Otro ascendido es el Granada, which also tends to deflate half league and will have to sweat permanence. Valladolid and Osasuna son otros dos candidatos también a perder la categoría. Las estadísticas nos dicen que estos equipos suelen rather suffer.

Los teams called to the surprise y quitar a los cuatro primeros la etiqueta de favoritos y alejarlos del dominio liguero son el Sevilla, el Betis, Villarreal and Athletic. Son equipos que siempre pelean por la fifth and sixth place, pero, Who can deny that they are also candidates Champions? Well that, could spring a surprise and hold in high places del campeonato.

Nos gustaría finalizar este artículo con la final thought that los 20 teams have options, y además, this league has ever greater equality. Another factor is that enough has been several days, the teams are evenly matched and that influences the forecasts are so general.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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