The summary of the spectacular season Levante

El resumen de la espectacular temporada del Levante
Postigo was the leader of the defense of the Levant and the rise goalscorer Photo:

Last update 2 May, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Levante season has been simply spectacular. Granota did the hardest, back after dropping a season to the top flight record and also making a return to First in the absence of 6 parties for the conclusion of the championship. And the UD Levante Primera reached in the month of April, algo casi insólito.

After the traumatic loss category in 2016 and after 6 years in a row in the First Division table where granota even got to play in Europe, Table presiding Quico Catalan decided to give a change of direction with a revolution in offices as sporting director and team leadership as coaching change. The first decision is in sight was a success, It was to hire Vicente Blanco 'Tito', former player of the entity that was working on the AFE who was accompanied as second in command Carmelo Del Pozo who acted as sporting director Oviedo. Both chose a coach Juan Ramón López Muñiz another obvious success of managing a club that was able to react well to a demotion at a time which had already settled in the top flight.

quico tito y muñiz
Quico, And Tito Muñiz, three of the pillars that has supported the meteoric return to 1st Levante. Foto:

Levante took the lead on the fourth day and did not let the first place. At the end of the first lap and had eleven points with the third mattress and a half rise in his pocket after making 46 points in a spin. Since then, his advantage has not stopped growing. He has shown the strength points that already has a good block on which to build a more than solvent squad ahead of next season. It is also seen what happens with Victor Camarasa and Deyverson, assigned to Alaves. The vitoriano club has an option to buy about seven million Brazilian. By Camarasa no option but the relationship between club, fans and players is very enquistada. With this, Levante will start in 2017/18 its tenth season in the Primera in the XXI century 18 años. En 100 twentieth century only managed to play 2 in the top.

ascenso del levante 1
Levante the fans invaded the field to celebrate a new rise of Levante.


Raul Fernandez

Former Athletic goalkeeper had declined a bit in his career when Tito and Carmelo went to look at where Mirandes had shown that it was one of the best goalkeepers in the category. They were not mistaken. Best team, solvent, safe and decisive, Raul has shown that the Levant has a doorman solvent left over to play in the top flight again.

Raul has been the guardian of a 1st Levante. Foto:

Alex Remiro

He began the season as a starter for the injured Raul and bad performances but did not catch any mistakes isolated as the day of Zaragoza did hesitate a little. Under-21, ceded ownership to Raul when he recovered. The lack of minutes took him back to Bilbao.

Oier Olazabal

He arrived in the winter market after the return of Remiro to Athletic but their role has been limited to be the substitute Raul. Yet the rise forces the club to buy the Granada leaving in principle the goal of the cover Levante.


Ivan Lopez

Con 16 years was playing a friendly with the first team of Levante vs. Roma Totti. Poised in the first team since 3 años, in the last two years injuries have marked the season lateral what has been eroding its projection to be covered by veteran captain Pedro Lopez, who seems to have rejuvenated 5 year stroke.

Pedro Lopez

The captain has been key. He assumed his role as team leader and took the gallons left by Juanfran after withdrawal. He should stay to be the guide and it has done on and off the field. His 6 seasons in the Levant, this has been one of the best.

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Pedro Lopez was the captain needed Levante and off the field. Foto: uncheck Valencia

Robert Pier

Many fans threw their hands to the head when Tito and Carmelo brought him Fabril, subsidiary of Deportivo Coruna that militated in Third Division. Many feared the worst or thought they had gone mad but Rober has been uncovered as a central high level. The big surprise in the back. Released by Depor it has added many minutes, came to gain ownership and versatility has been important, he has played both central, lateral and midfield and has always done well. A very interesting player for the future.

Esteban Saveljich

Sports management went to Argentina to bring it to Racing de Avellaneda and pay half a million euros for him. He had been on loan at Almeria last year. The most expensive plant is the least played. Muñiz it out in the final minutes to shore up the defense and his involvement was limited to being the central room.

Sergio Postigo

Another player that few knew and which few others also threw his hands in his head. He soon showed that it was a great center to become the head of the defense granota. On his return to Spanish football since Spezia Calcio where had come to pay half a million euros for him to Leganés, the central part has been around which is built the wall granota. Essential and to top, It was the goalscorer's rise against Oviedo.

postigo gol del ascenso
Postigo was the leader of the Levante defense and also scored the rise. Foto: uncheck Valencia

Chema Rodríguez

He arrived with Muñiz from Alcorcón and started and has finished as a couple Postigo but its performance has more to lose less reaching your site to Rober Pier. A bet coach who knew perfectly. A young and interesting defense in the Levante has high hopes.

Toño García

It was one of the survivors of the First Division who stayed at the club despite the offers that had. Levante declared untransferable and Toño was the third consecutive year the owner of the lefty band Levante. Competition with Abraham made cost him gain a fixed place in the team but as always eventually became owner of the left lane.

Abraham Minero

I arrived on loan from Zaragoza but has fallen short of the figure required to buy Levante. A strange case because its beginnings as a starter were very promising and its role was decreasing until several months without playing. In the last section ended up playing as a winger out of soda .


Javier Espinosa

Every talent, a player of those that gives the feeling that in First can play better than in Second. He began performing very well but perhaps his lack of defensive sacrifice made Muñiz decided to give more minutes to other players more defensive cut.


Nor he surrendered in First or Second. Theirs was an entirely secondary role and Muñiz has used to rest the starters playing counted minutes being the fifth midfielder. he still has years on his contract with Levante.

Jefferson Lerma

Colombia was one of the best players in the club in Primera last year which combined with his youth, made the team were not few who were interested in him. The club confirmed its commitment to the future and refused to transfer it. I got touched Olympics, It is costing him the title at the beginning but when he returned, It was one of the highlights. An injury has forced him to miss the final stretch of the campaign. Another interesting player future for Levante.

Ruben Garcia

The youth exploded in 2012 becoming one of the club's future values. However since then it has had an intermittent performance this season including. He did not convince Muñiz to be a starter. Despite his talent, not counting ends for coaches since the departure of Jim.

Jose Morales

Club and player bet heavily on continuity. Become a benchmark, Commander emerged from granota subsidiary signed him third in Madrid 2011, He prefaced any club Levante and stayed despite being the best player in Primera granota. Performance of recent seasons had made him one of the franchise players and although he has played almost everything has not shone as First. It is expected to again be decisive in the top flight.

morales gol ante el nastic
Commander has not experienced its best year yet their presence has been instrumental Levante. Foto: uncheck Valencia


Injuries have marked his season as several months became unable to play but Muñiz has trusted him and always has been able to put. On loan from Espanyol, Levante has an option to buy but does not seem to go to make effective.

But Natxo

El pulmón del equipo, its presence in the field has been instrumental in the success of Levante. Undisputed in the starting lineup, He has always been to limit what it cost to leave the field touched several times. His contribution defensive phase has recovered more balls where no one has made him one of the key pieces for Muñiz.

José Campaign

Leader leader, if not the best team this year one of the best. A jugadorazo recovered by Tito and Carmelo del Pozo for the elite. After his precocious debut with Sevilla to 18 años, He was transferred to Crystal Palace and Sampdoria where his career was going off road.  An assignment to Alcorcón Muniz put it back on the map and the Levant was quick to tie this jewel 23 years to become one of the leaders of Levante in the top flight.

José Campaign is to become one of the leaders of Levante in First. Foto:

Jason Resemeiro

Levante Galician signed when he was a young promising and after passing through the youth ranks of Levante and gain experience in the branch in Second B and Third, It was loaned to Albacete. With the first team Levante had already debuted in first with Caparrós in 2013 and played several matches with Alcaraz 2015.  This year has exploded in the first team a lot of scoring decisive goals being the second top scorer after Roger. One end level.


Roger Martí

The top scorer of the team and category. He made his debut with Levante 2012 in Copa del Rey at the hands of Juan Ignacio Martínez. After years being the top scorer of the subsidiary and alternating with the first granota second team was loaned to Zaragoza and Valladolid twice. Levante finally opted for him and has responded Valencia striker scoring goals to be the top scorer.

roger marti
Roger and Jason, the two top scorers of a record Levante. Both from the subsidiary granota. Foto: Superdeporte

Victor Casadesús

Con cuatro temporadas, Victor is one of the veterans of the squad and another who stayed template that had descended from First. His role was lower than other years but its extent has contributed much. Revulsivo has been the team on the last leg, when the forces began to lose heart. He has only scored two goals but got six points.

Juan Muñoz

The promising striker Sevilla came in the winter of Zaragoza where he played the first round on loan from Sevilla and has had little options.  He scored the winning goal giving 3 Levante points against Elche after converting a penalty in the last minute of the game.

Rafa Martins

Brazilian signed for Levante 2014 as one of the strongest bets for First Division club. It came as one of the top scorers in the Portuguese League. His first year was a disappointment and after an assignment in Portugal where he returned to score goals, Levante decided to trust him to return to First. After a few minutes by Muñiz and a goal against Girona, He terminated his contract and went back to playing in Portugal leaving his place to Juan Muñoz.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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