Technology at the service of the football coach

Tecnología al servicio del entrenador de fútbol
Technology has also changed the way we watch football PHOTO:

Last update 16 October, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Technology has transformed our way of life and work. Artificial intelligence (HE), big data and the internet of things (iot) are some of the new tools that are being used in all industries, between them, the soccer one. More and more football clubs allocate a good part of their income to acquire software and sophisticated technologies to obtain the maximum potential of your athletes.

Investment in sports technology is growing. Professional athletes and clubs constantly seek better results, therefore, they constitute an attractive market for large companies specialized in this area of ​​the industry.. To cite an example, Barcelona launched last year a fund of 120 million euros among international investors, which will be focused on projects related to

The nutrition, sleep and performance in the world of sports ", informs the Reviewbox sportswriter, Alejandro Hernandez.

An example of technology was born in Mexico, through the Golstats company, which provides a software capable of classifying each play of a team in more than 1.200 different categories. Además, allows uploading videos of specific plays and coding in centers, dribbles, fouls,etc., to analyze performance.

Information is power

Another technology at the service of coaches is big data. The collection and processing of data arising from a match requires adequate treatment. At present, there are companies that are dedicated to taking images of the matches through several cameras and then digitizing them and classifying the actions of the game. Both the possession of the ball and the movements of each player are important elements when analyzing each game.

On the other hand, information such as ‘heat maps’ is also used by the coach., the number of passes, rematas, fouls, and all kinds of data for the coach to make forecasts and take into account all possible factors when making decisions. The more information they receive about the rival team, it will be more feasible to organize better strategies to win. Although much of this data is crudely disclosed by the journalistic media, clubs invest in professionals who interpret all of this and can provide more detailed reports.

An example of these companies is Opta, which was founded in 1996 and started working with the Premier League. Today it has branches all over the world and has signed agreements with about 20 diseases, to which it provides everything concerning what happens on the playing field: which footballer touches the ball, en qué parte, cuándo, with what part of the body, for how long, etc.

In other parts of the world, GPS and drones are used to analyze information such as the intensity of movement of footballers, which contrasts with their genetic traits and physical characteristics, in order to obtain all the necessary data for your evaluations.

football hung

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