Last update 6 October, 2021 by Alberto Llopis
Arturo vidal, currently a footballer for Inter Milan and former player for Barcelona and Juventus among other great clubs, He has once again attracted attention for running amok off the field. The Chilean footballer has already starred in other situations off the field that have bothered his clubs. Without going further, Arturo vidal in 2015 crashed his Ferrari driving drunk while disputed with Chile the Copa América of that year. Now a video has gone viral where an apparently drunk Vidal is seen wallowing in the moonlight of his Ferrari.

Arturo Vidal drunk, viral en las redes sociales
The images they bring to light in Calcio Today, apparently they are recorded on the night of 18 of August of 2021, just three days before Inter's first match at the A series against Genoa. At least that's what other media like The Gazette. In the video that has not been slow to go viral on all social networks, se puede observar a Arturo Vidal haciéndose fotos con unos aficionados y después revolcándose sobre su Ferrari descapotable rojo, to which they have to help access.
El vídeo ha rodado por las redes sociales
Arturo vidal…..more double than a churro….
- pedropablovalenz (@ pedropablo97) October 5, 2021
Arturo Vidal is in Chile
Y si…..
As peak again.#Social Redes
— Mauricio (@yopoelmesmo) October 5, 2021
“Arturo vidal”
For this viral video of Arturo Vidal that circulates on Twitter. Because it is Trend? 🇪🇸 (@pqestendenciaes) October 5, 2021