Sunday, February 16, 2025

The most singular accidents footballers

Last update 6 October, 2015 by Alberto Llopis

They are young, rich and famous and They have dream cars. But sometimes they are unable to control so much power and respect road safety rules, and starring accidents that occupy the front pages of all media. Here we offer an overview of the most notorious.

When he was a player of Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo smashed his flaming red Ferrari to crash it into a nearby tunnel to the airport from the city. The car was valued at 160.000 euros and was totally unusable, although the Portuguese striker could emerge unscathed is, after all, more important.

Guti lived a short but very intense period in Istanbul as a member of the staff of Besiktas. Player vIt IVIO a serious accident in the Turkish capital on collision with a bus that was parked. At first he refused to carry out breathalyser test and was taken to the police station, where he underwent the test yielded a result that quintupled the legal rate allowed.

Durante su estancia en Turquía, la noche confundió a Guti.
During his stay in Turkey, Guti confused night.

Banega has starred in not one, but two improbable accidents. The most recent occurred when his Ferrari 360 Modena burned in an apparently spontaneous on his way to training in the city of Valencia. It was also sounded its "autoatropello". He left his Audi R8 bad braking while refueled and ended up being hit by him. Although the event had its certain grace, the result of it completely lacked: Banega tibia and fibula fractured and the rest of the season was lost.

Even more surreal was the sinister starring Drenthe. The Dutchman was in his Audi Q7 by M30 when, because of disorientation, He collided with a police car. He not tested positive breathalyser test and could not give an explanation of what's what had caused him to lose control of your vehicle.

Another player who also loses speed is Karim Benzema. The Frenchman has suffered numerous setbacks at the wheel of his luxury sports possibly being the player who has more prominent in this field. He was caught speeding in Ibiza 2011 and in 2013 he returned to make being hunted by the M40 driving his Audi RS5 Madrid 4.2 FSI, of 450 CV.

Last but not least the French also caught several times driving without driving license since he was retired by his penchant for driving more than 200. But it doesn't end there, French striker also hit an Audi Q7 in 2009 demonstrating that theirs with the steering wheel is too dangerous romance. As I read a famous advertisement tire…la potencia sin control no sirve de nada.

Así quedó el Q7 de Benzema, un hombre acostumbrado a los conflictos al volante.
Thus was the Q7 Benzema, a man accustomed to driving conflicts.

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