Gianni De Biasi: El hombre milagro de Albania

Gianni De Biasi: El hombre milagro de Albania
De Biasi ha obrado el milagro en Albania. FOTO: Google

Last update 31 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Gianni De Biasi es el héroe nacional de Albania. The Italian coach has managed to rank first Albanians for a continental competition was also doing near a couple of years for the World Cup in Brazil 2014.

La carrera de Gianni De Biasi, el héroe nacional de Albania

Italian coach born in 1956 It is a classic of Italian modest ower. Before that he was a professional player and played for clubs like Brescia, Vicenza, Palermo and Pescara but also wore the zamarra Inter Milan in the mid 70. He began practicing as a coach in the early 90 just a year after retiring from the pitch.

However, despite carrying more than two decades on the bench, the coach has spent most of his career in Italy sets modest except in Albania where their experience has gotten most of his career machada and a short career a few months between the end of 2007 and mid 2008. The coach came to a wounded Levante in several facets not only in sports but also in other areas such as social and economic.

Despite not finishing the season, he went to Torino where he is also an idol, before the end of the season and although it was not the best year in the house granota, the Levantine fans have good memories and good taste of Italian over the Levant and by extension, the Spanish League. But certainly better they will remember where it is in Albania where the Italian coach has done a spectacular job.

Gianni De Biasi en su etapa como entrenador del Torino.
Gianni De Biasi at its stage as Levante coach. FOTO: Levante OUT

El héroe de Albania

Under its mandate, los albaneses estuvieron peleando por acceder al World of Brazil 2014, feat that could not be finally consummated. Although machada only had to wait a couple of years and in a group easy, los albaneses han conseguido colocarse entre los mejores de Europa y por su parte Gianni De Biasi, He has managed to put his name in golden letters forever in the beleaguered country in Eastern Europe.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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