Bayern Leverkusen Carvajal sold to Real Madrid, Andres Palop but buy

El Bayern de Leverkusen vende a Carvajal al Real Madrid, pero compra a Andrés Palop
Bayern Leverkusen Carvajal sold to Real Madrid, Andres Palop but buy

Last update 3 June, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

The German Bayer Leverkusen confirmed the transfer of Spanish defender Dani Carvajal to Real Madrid and the signing of veteran Valencian goalkeeper Andrés Palop, from Sevilla, for a campaign. The white team transferred the youth squad to the Bundesliga team last year for five million euros, but with a buyback option in the next three years, and now he has paid 6,5 million euros to pick him up, something that on the other hand is beginning to be common in clubs.

The under-21 international, concentrated with the Spanish team for the European of the category, he had a great campaign in Germany where he was indisputable in a Bayer that finished third and qualified for the Champions League. “We are very sorry that we no longer have Daniel in our ranks., but he said from the beginning that Real Madrid would recognize his sporting value sooner or later. He has faced this year so convinced that Real's decision was not a surprise for us”, said the sports director of Bayer 04 Rudi Voeller.

For your part, CEO Wolfgang Holzahauser, praised the “great human and sports impression” that the Spaniard has left in his time at the club. “I feel for us his departure, but we let him fulfill his childhood dream of playing in the Real Madrid first team. He is a madridista through and through and we wish him the best for his future in professional football”, he confessed.

De este modo, Real Madrid gets its first reinforcement for the season 2013-2014, in a position that this year gave many headaches and where only Álvaro Arbeloa was specifically.
Además, Bayer Leverkusen also took the opportunity to confirm the arrival of another Spaniard in their ranks, the veteran Valencian goalkeeper 39 años, Andres Palop, who last weekend said goodbye to Sevilla, Where have you been for the last seven years?. The European champion in 2008 arrives free to the German team and has signed up to 30 de junio.

“I am very happy that after all these years in the First Division I still have a chance abroad.. The Bundesliga has become interesting for players from all over Europe”, Palop pointed out on the Leverkusen website, also chosen by “the special attraction” to be able to play the 'Champions'.

Rudi Voeller confessed that after the departure of Michael Rensing they were looking for a goalkeeper “experienced”, while Wolfgang Holzhauser was pleased by the arrival of a goalkeeper at the club “from the spanish school”. “He will draw on his vast experience and we consider him a great addition to our team.”, he sentenced.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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