Kubala and Hungaria, an almost unknown story

Kubala y el Hungaria, una historia casi desconocida

Last update 24 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Talk about Ladislao Kubala, It is talking possibly one of the best players in the history of the sport, one of the pioneers who made the difference in his time and that perhaps was not recognized as it deserves . It was one of those players that marked an era. Chronicles say half of last century, his game was the main reason why the Camp Nou was built, because with his football made their way to old “The Courts” se quedaron pequeñas.

Atrapado en ‘El Telón de Acero’ en plena Guerra Fría

Si conocen su trayectoria, They know that had various problems to play in Spain for political reasons, starring some facts worthy of the best films set in World War II. That's why, the story we tell here, It happened at that time, just as Kubala and other Eastern European players trying to survive and make a living, despite the refusal of FIFA.

Kubala fue un mito en el Barça y uno de los mejores de la historia.
Kubala was a legend at the club and one of the best ever.

Hablamos de 1948, when in Europe still he lingered hard hangover World War II. El asunto, se recrudecía al estar implicados los países encuadrados en el llamado “Iron Curtain“. Kubala and other great players in the area of ​​life were sought to leave their countries, towards a better future, looking for a place to do what they do best, play football.

But when political exiles thing was not going to go very well for their teams, They denounced his flight to FIFA, which extrasport passing sanctioned Themes, avoiding that they could play for any team and preventing could play official matches. But every law, made the trap and the prohibition rule did not speak any friendly.

the Hungaria, un equipo de estrellas exiliadas

Fernando Daucik, entrenador, brother in law, Kubala teacher and mentor, who had also fled in search of a better future, He decided to form the whole Hungaria. This team, It was made up of players who were exiled from his country and could not officially play in any team. They could not practice their profession, or make a living doing what they do best, so the best idea to survive was to go play friendly matches in Europe to raise money.

El Hungaria de Kubala jugaba partidos amistosos por toda Europa.
The Hungaria Kubala played friendly matches throughout Europe.

¿Qué jugadores de Europa del Este jugaban en el Hungaria?

Spain was the salvation of several of them. After hard negotiations, They played several exhibition games in the Spanish geography. En el Hungaria, militated players like Kubala apart from Marik (Slovakia), Mondays (Yugoslavia) o el rumano Simotec. Ese equipo tenía nivel para competir con cualquier club del momento. They debuted with a victory and gave an exhibition in Madrid.

Después, They played a series matches at a high level, crowned with a glorious performance in Sarria, donde Kubala y Marik fabricaron un auténtico golazo nada más empezar el partido. Thanks to this, Kubala or the same Daurcik, found accommodation in the FC Barcelona, which they would mark an era, not without going through a tough fight with FIFA. After to accommodate many of its members, The Hungaria was dissolved but went down in history as a team of smuggling, a team of artists the ball into hiding. One of those stories we like to count on Colgados.

Kubala, uno de esos futbolistas con historia.
Giving birth, one of those footballers with history.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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