Kubala y Di Stéfano: el tándem que pudo ser posible

Kubala y Di Stéfano: el tándem  que pudo ser posible
Kubala y Di Stéfano, two of the best soccer players in history. FOTO: The vanguard

Last update 10 May, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Kubala y Di Stéfano they would have formed a devastating society in the football of the time they had to live or so the chronicles say. Can all the readers of this article imagine what a tandem formed between these two phenomena in Barcelona could have been? When the Argentine was signed by Real Madrid, the Barcelona, Led by Ladislao Kubala, together with Honved from Budapest, it was the best team in Europe, at a time when the Magyars dominated international football.

Kubala y Di Stéfano, the tandem that could have occurred

As this, it might not have been a utopia, since Don Alfredo was close, very close to share a dressing room with Kubala. El caso, As many readers know, is that Di Stéfano was signed by both clubs at the same time. Barcelona paid two million of the old pesetas (we talk about 1953) al River Plate, club where “Blonde Arrow” He had made debut in 1945 and allegedly they are belonging rights.

But there was a problem, and is that Di Stéfano, River Plate had left to go to Millonarios of Bogota after a players' strike in 1949. Precisamente, with at the club, the call “ballet Azul, Real Madrid reached an agreement to sign the player after a masterful display at a Bernabeu Trophy.

Then all were to a big problem, the story is that Di Stéfano had to play one season at Real Madrid and return to River Plate to move to play for Barcelona. This situation did not satisfy anyone and the General Delegation of Sports of the Franco regime, directed by the General Moscardó, He declared a Solomonic pact was that the player played one season each team.

Barcelona rejected the proposal and Real Madrid was left with a player who was going to give many glory days and would lead to whites to write some of the golden pages of history, becoming a fundamental figure in white history. But Di Stéfano first came to Barcelona, where he forged a friendship with Kubala. They reached it together while playing friendlies thing which we have spoken was resolved.

Kubala y Di Stéfano
Di Stefano and Kubala were about to form a lethal pair on the field. FOTO: Pinterest

Kubala and Di Stéfano came to play together for Barcelona, ​​although not officially

One night 1955, specifically the 26 from January, in an act that today would seem impossible for Argentina and played for Real Madrid, Kubala y Di Stéfano they played together with the same shirt. It was a friendly in The Courts, in a match against Bologna where both delighted the staff with a recital of combinations and played high school individual.

Server believe that if I had a time machine, regress until tonight, to this place to witness such a recital football two aces in the history of this sport. The chronicles, the two understood each other with eyes closed, creating a football from another galaxy never seen before. What were the goals less as it was a friendly match, what matters is the imprint left on viewers, on that night of so many decades ago.

Di Stefano y Kubala, dos de los mejores jugadores de la historia que jugaron con España.
By Stefano y Kubala, two of the best players ever played with Spain. FOTO: Central defense

Then they crossed in the field, each with his shirt but always maintained a friendship that went beyond football fields. In the selection they did not coincide much, If they had surely Spain had won the World Cup before 2010.

They also played together in the Barcelona star's farewell match.

Finally they returned to play with the same shirt, that of Barcelona ( in another fact that today seem impossible) in the tribute and farewell to Kubala in 1961, the day hanging the boots the other bolt, that of Barcelona.

Joining them was Puskas, another phenomenon, They left for posterity the image of the three with the shirt of Barcelona. Tras Di Stéfano's death in 2014, a, los 3 they formed a magic lead again, dreamlike, but this time in the footballing heaven where there are already many greats of the sport.

Kubala y Di Stéfano
Kubala and Di Stéfano together with Puskas in the match to pay homage to the star culé. FOTO: The vanguard/ (Monsalve Archive)

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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