He “X Files” of the Levant, a team plagued by injuries

El “Expediente X” del Levante, un equipo plagado de lesiones
Levante is suffering a plague of injuries. Foto: Eldesmarque Valencia

Last update 1 December, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Levante made a season 2016/17 First spectacular again several months before the end of the season. However in its return to the top flight is encountering a setback in some phases is undermining performance, injuries feared. To the point of accumulating 18 injuries since the start of the season so far, several of them very serious.

En un caso inusual, granota box suffered three breaks cruciate ligament of the knee affecting Roger in July, Ivan Lopez in October and November striker Alex Joy, which will prevent the latter two can compete again for the remainder of season. This caused the Levante fichara as Turkish Enes Unal transfer to Villarreal in the November.

Granota also accumulate twelve muscle injuries and sprains other three major or minor joints such as the knee or foot. nano Mesa, Jason, Jose Luis Morales, Antonio Luna, Pedro Lopez, get Garcia, Jeferson Lerma, Robert Pier, Doukouré and Sergio Postigo have been injured during the season. Some cases like Nano Jason Mesa and certain seriousness though, the first managed to recover one month before. Others have been injured as Lerma and twice.

The final straw was when heating the second leg of the Copa del Rey against Girona, two players, Rober Pier and Doukuré, They had to leave 11 Initial to injury almost unusual way both in heating equipment. A more poignant case of an assembly facilities Buñol improved in order to avoid what is exactly happening. Sin duda, a real X-Files in granota key.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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