Passes away one of the legends of Valencia

Fallece una de las leyendas del Valencia
Waldo (Valencia) and Wanderley (Levante) two brothers agreed in Valencia 60. Now Waldo has died 84 años. FOTO: The country

Last update 28 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Fue uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia del Valencia and to the 84 years has left us. Waldo, Wanderley whose brother played for Levante, He has died in a nursing home in Burjassot, Valencia, donde pasó su últimos años. El brasileño, based in the city of Valencia more than 50 años, era una de las leyendas del club de Mestalla.

Second top scorer in the history of Valencia

Waldo, He arrived at the club Mestalla en el verano de 1961 to play for nine seasons in the Valencia en las que jugó 297 games scoring 160 goles thus becoming the second top scorer in the history of Valencia CF behind World. Valencia was the Pichichi in season 1966-1967 and he got two Fairs Cups and one Cup of Spain.

He died in the year of the centenary of Valencia

Nacido en 1934, and for some time it was not seen in any act of club. His delicate health, It made him stay in a residence supervised by the association of veterans Mestalla club. Waldo, It has died in the centenary of Valencia, club that is and will, siempre una leyenda y uno de los mejores futbolistas que ha vestido jamás su camiseta.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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