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In the last two decades, the emergence and expansion of the Internet has revolutionized the gaming industry in many countries, and Spain has been no exception. Spanish betting fans have been moving from the football pools and lotteries ... to betting and online casinos.

Last update 29 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Spain has always been a country with fondness game, but since the early 2000, the arrival of Internet gambling has transformed the business from the point of view of business and consumer. Si hace 20 years the amateur to bet was typically a man 45 years playing the football pools, bingo or lottery missed today ... it is a millennial – also male – de 30 Leaning years to make sports betting or casino play online.

In relation to companies operating in the sector online, they operated during his early years in Spain on a legal limbo the absence of legislation regulating gambling activities online. Junio de 2012 marked a before and after for industry, for that month entered into force the Gambling Act passed a year earlier. Still valid, the law has set up a regulatory framework that has given companies the confidence to launch operations online.

Desde 2013 – first year the law was in force from beginning to end - up 2018, gross revenue from online gaming companies have trebled. This figure confirms the positive that has been providing a solid and reliable legal environment for industry. Además, it received an additional fiscal stimulus last year with falling tax on gaming activities 25 al 20%.

Sports betting and casinos populate the network

With such favorable for the expansion of the sector in Spain under the game, in the last five years they have proliferated online betting. At present, the most of 30 Companies offering online gambling generate more than 50% of gross revenues of online gambling in the country. The offer is so wide that compare them all to find the best alternative can be a burdensome task. That's why, Here we offer you an analysis of the ten bookmakers on the internet that offer more favorable terms, and their respective bonuses.

Although online sports betting occupy first place, They are online casinos that are experiencing higher growth. If the income of companies offering online casino games in Spain were 7 million in 2013, en 2018 They reached 238 millions. Thanks to this exponential increase, casinos currently represent more than one third of the combined turnover of the online channel. Based on figures, It is not surprising that already exist around 40 online casinos legally operating in the country.

But not all casinos you can find on the net are licensed to operate in Spain – which is issued by the General Directorate Game. We can assure you that there are some who operate outside the law, and if you play them you can have problems. Check out the list and compare the best online casinos we have conducted, all licensed and regulated by the Directorate General.

In such a crowded market, Internet competition is fierce to attract customers. To get it, companies offering online casino constantly launch offers and promotions. Although some of them are offered to active customers for their loyalty, most are available to new customers. There are so many possibilities that the amateur has before it, we have decided to compile bonuses for casino available on the internet we consider most profitable.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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