I più hooligan d’Inghilterra

I più hooligan d’Inghilterra
Let's look at the toughest English football hooligan groups". Fotomontaggio: Hanged by football

Last update 13 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Chi sono i più hooligan d’Inghilterra? Il “hooliganismo” was born in England in the late 19th century in London thanks to a drunkard called Edward Hooligan, but this movement underwent a change during the 20th century. Se la settimana scorsa abbiamo presentato il reportage sugli ultras (if you are interested you can read it here) in Spagna, questa settimana, in our space dedicated to fans, let's talk about the “hooligans”.

The origin of the word Hooligan in England

Nel 1877, in the midst of the Victorian era, the city of London was a large industrial center where the working classes of the Thames suburbs worked in semi-slavery before going to drink in the pubs. Invece, a man from the South-East took daily rest to get drunk and fight with those workers, si chiamava Edward Hooligan. Soon the word 'hooligan’ it became fashionable in the marginal neighborhoods of England, associated with a stereotype of a lazy man, drunkard and prone to brawling.

Fu nel 1890 than the newspaper “The Times” recorded the word “hooliganism” to qualify a group of young people who followed in the footsteps of our protagonist. In appena cinque anni, this violent phenomenon began to organize itself into street gangs, and not just in London, cities like Manchester, Birmingham or Liverpool also experienced the increase of ultras groups, football and tavern fans. Tall the UK teams have their own group of “hooligans

Gli hooligan d’Inghilterra: the hardest groups

Millwall Bushwackers

I “Millwall Bushwackers” I'm there “hooligan firm” del Millwall FC. They are considered one of the most violent and harsh groups among the hooligan d’Inghilterra.

They were originally called “F-Troop”, during the 70s and 80s, they later changed their current name. The stigma of violence has characterized this group for more than 100 anni. Thanks to their actions, Millwall's stadium has been closed several times, la prima nel 1920.

The latest accidents caused by this group are very recent, ad esempio nell’ottobre 2004, nella FA Cup, where they insulted Liverpool fans by reminding them of the Hillsborough tragedy. They have recently been denied entry to some stadiums such as Hull in January 2009. Nell’aprile 2013, in the FA Cup semi-final against Wigan, 14 “hooligans” of Millwall were arrested for various disturbances inside the stadium. They compete with “Inter City Firm, Soul Crew, Service Crew e Headhunters”.

Birmingham Zulus

È la “hooligan firm” associated with the Birmingham City team. Responsible for the death of a Leeds fan in a mass brawl between the two fans, con 200 feriti, di cui 96 policemen. It is one of the most heterogeneous groups of the English ultras, with members of many different ethnicities. They are rivals of the nearby hooligans, “The Aston Villa Hardcore”. In many of the arrests of “Zulus”, the police confiscated sidearms, and even some guns.

Aston Villa Hardcore

Fondato nel 1993 from the split of three ultras groups: “Steamers”, “C-Crew” e “Villa Youth”. Nel ottobre 2002 led to serious disturbances in Birmingham city centre, conosciuti popolarmente come “Battle of Rocky Lane”. Many of their members were arrested and ended up in prison. They have been the protagonists of various violent episodes in Europe, the last one in Rotterdam against the supporters of the Dutch team.

Inter City Firm

They are the “hooligans” del West Ham United. It was one of the most famous ultras groups in the Premier League. Their name comes from the trains these ultras took when West Ham played away from home. They were the inspiration for many films like “The Firm” of Gary Oldman, where the director was recommended by ICF fans. In the film of 2005 “The Green Street” the stories of this ultra group are based.

6.57 Crew

It's the Portsmouth ultra group. One of the best known groups internationally. Al Mondiale di Germania 2006, police seized most of the group's members' passports due to their criminal records. A complaint from Scotland Yard reported approximately 95 club bans, statistically the members of “6.57 Crew” they are among the most dangerous in the whole of the United Kingdom.

The Red Army

Fondato nel 1970, they are the “hooligans” del Manchester United. Nel 1974-1975, when United dropped to the First Division, it was considered one of the most problematic ultras groups. Tony O'Neill, membro di “The Red Army”, he wrote two books in which he explains the history of the group. Currently the “firm” he abandoned violent episodes, moving away from the problems they had in the 80s.

Chelsea Headhunters

I “Chelsea Headhunters” they are the group of “hooligans” linked to Chelsea. Their first revolts date back to the 1960s. It is one of the groups in which far-right ideology is most present, aligned with paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland in the 1980s, come Ulster Defence Association e Ulster Volunteer Force. Racists and supporters of white supremacy.

Like the Real Madrid ultras (ultrasur), un giornalista, Donal MacIntyre, he was infiltrated into the group for a documentary broadcast by the BBC in 1999. The film “The Football Factory”, which we have already talked about in “hanging”(The bonus 10 best football films in the history of cinema) they are based on the violence exercised by this group of ultras. Come “Ultrasur”, Lodano José Mourinho.

Other ultras groups:

  • Arsenal – The Gooners, The Herd
  • Blackpool – The Muckers
  • Bolton Wanderers – Cuckoo Boys, Bolton Service Youth
  • Charlton Athletic – Cockney Firestarters, B Mob
  • Crystal Palace – Dirty 30
  • Derby County – Derby Lunatic Fringe
  • Everton – County Road Cutters
  • Fulham – Thames Valley Travellers
  • Hull City – Hull City Psychos
  • Leeds United – Leeds United Service Crew
  • Liverpool – The Urchins
  • Manchester City – Cool Cats, Guvnors, Mayne Line Service Crew
  • Manchester United – Men In Black
  • Middlesbrough – The Frontline
  • Newcastle United – Newcastle Gremlins
  • Nottingham Forest – Forest Executive Crew
  • Norwich City – Norwich Hit Squad, Under 5’s
  • Queens Park Rangers – Bushbabies
  • Sheffield United – Blades Business Crew
  • Sheffield Wednesday – Owls Crime Squad (OCS), Is That It (YOU)
  • Stoke City – Naughty Forty
  • Sunderland – Seaburn Casuals
  • Tottenham Hotspur – Yid Army
  • West Bromwich Albion – Section Five
  • Wolverhampton Wanderers – Subway Army
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