The best Uruguayan footballers in history

I migliori calciatori uruguaiani della storia
.Luis Suárez, il miglior marcatore dell'Uruguay finora. FOTO:

Last update 15 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Who are I best Uruguayan footballers of all time? Uruguay, a country of just four million people, can boast two Olympic gold medals, two World Cups and 15 America's Cups. Hosting the first World Cup in history, football is experienced more intensely than anywhere else. This explains how players like the following have emerged from such a small number of inhabitants.

The best Uruguayan footballers ever

Juan Alberto Schiaffino

Without a doubt and unanimously he is considered by any expert to be the best Uruguayan footballer of all time. Centrocampista offensivo, his forays into the opposing half of the pitch were feared by all teams, as well as his tactical vision (perfetta) and his ability to invent millimetric passages that went where he directed his gaze. Un genio che inoltre ha avuto un momento glorioso: in the final of the 1950 Brazil World Cup he scored the first of two goals for the famous Maracanazo. Player of Peñarol and Roma, Uruguay and South America are unlikely to have another player like him.

Enzo Francescoli

The icon of River Plate and a ball wizard. Un giocatore diverso, all talent that made football an art thanks to his elegance when the ball was at his feet. He developed most of his career in Argentina, but no one forgets that he was one of the architects of three America's Cups won by his national team in a period in which Uruguay seemed to have given way to Brazil or Argentina. Offensive midfielder with a great propensity to score, Prince Enzo Francescoli was the inspiration of a football legend: Zinedine Zidane.

Diego Forlan

He is one of the players with the most international appearances for Celeste (102). The best scorer and one of the great protagonists of the victory in the America's Cup 2011. But there's more, molto di più. He was Golden Shoe at the World Cup in South Africa, where the Uruguayans brilliantly reached the semi-finals. A killer in the penalty area with a single thought: il gol, both with the left foot, right or with the head, from medium distances or in a small area. A door monster, twice European Golden Shoe. A data: his father and grandfather were also America's Cup champions.

Luis Suárez

The best scorer of the Uruguayan national team fino ad oggi. He completed a great career at club level in such top clubs as Ajax, Liverpool, Atletico e Barcelona. One of the best strikers of the second decade of the 21st century and one of the best Uruguayan footballers of all time.

Alcides Ghiggia

One of the great protagonists of the Maracanazo, as Ghiggia was the man who scored the Uruguayan winning goal, silencing the Maracanã like “solo il Papa, Sinatra and he knew how to do it”. Incisive winger with a great eye for goal, his contribution to Uruguay was limited to 12 matches. Senza dubbio, le più importanti. Tuttavia, uno dei best Uruguayan footballers of all time.

José Leandro Andrade

The first great black player in the history of football. A precursor that combined power with quality and class. A genius with his feet who was able to win a World Cup and two Olympics. The black wonder was the flag of the best Uruguay of the 1920s, but not the World Cup 1930, where his contribution was limited due to his poor performances. Appassionato di musica, he played the violin and the drum, transmitting that energy so necessary to take to the football pitch. Three America's Cups complete a dream CV. Uno dei best players in the history of Uruguay.

Obdulio Varela

“Don't think about all those people, don't look up, the game is played low down and if we win nothing will happen, non è mai successo niente. The ones outside are made of wood and on the pitch we will be eleven against eleven. The game is won with the balls on the tips of the boots”. This was the sentence uttered shortly before entering the pitch to play the Maracanã final in front of 200.000 Brazilian souls against it. It was a true statement of intent and a clear metaphor for who he was. Un leader, a temperamental player, stand, rocky but who knew how to play when he had to. One of those indispensable men that every team had to have and that naturally, the great Uruguay had. Senza di lui, there would have been no Maracanazo.

Fernando Morena

Il best scorer in the history of the Uruguayan championship with 233 gol. Tre volte top scorer of the Copa Libertadores and the fourth best scorer in history according to FIFA with an average of 0,85 gol a partita. A finisher who knew how to look for space and had a special gift: he was infallible in one-on-one situations with the goalkeepers. It was the symbol of Peñarol, where he won six championships. He also played for Rayo Vallecano and Valencia, where he won the UEFA Super Cup.

Hector Scarone

Four America's Cups, two Olympics and obviously the World Cup 1930. This daring striker was the reference of the best Uruguay ever. Under his leadership, miracles were performed, as he did with Nacional, where in 20 years of career he marked 163 gol, becoming an unforgettable mass idol. Il Mago, senza dubbio.

Edinson Cavani

Another of the great goalscorers who gave Uruguayan football. Contemporary of Suárez, with whom he formed one of the best tandems in the history of Uruguayan football.

Hector Castro

“He Manco Castro” o “The Divine One-armed” are some of the nicknames of this example of overcoming, who lost his right arm just 13 years due to an accident with a power saw. A phenomenon of nature who scored the first goal in Uruguay's history at the World Cup and in the Centenario stadium. Sufficient merits to include him in this list of geniuses.

Louis Albert Cubilla

Five years at Peñarol, cinque to the National, two to Barcelona. Everyone wanted him for his great ability to score goals. Even if it coincided with a low period of the national team, incapable of winning major titles, his imprint is unforgettable, because the good Cubilla didn't lack many things besides titles. One of the best Uruguayan footballers in history.

Ladislao Mazurkiewicz

Per molti, one of the best goalkeepers in the history of South America, se non il migliore. With Uruguay he won the South American Under-20 Championship in 1964, the South American Championship of 1967 (now Copa America) and reached the semi-finals of the World Cup 1970, where he became famous for his action with Pelé, that of the goal that wasn't a goal. In that World Cup he was named best goalkeeper of the tournament. Ha giocato in tre Mondiali, difendendo la porta “charrúa”. Ladislao Mazurkiewicz is the best Uruguayan goalkeeper in history.

Other noteworthy Uruguayan footballers

gustavo Poyet, Dario Silva, Diego Lugano, Peacocks, Alvaro Recoba.

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