Incredible but true, Chapecoense fined for missing the last game

Increíble pero cierto, multan a Chapecoense por no presentarse al último partido
The tragedy of Chapecoense one of the most important events in the world of football 2016.

Last update 12 December, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Bureaucracy and regulations are essential to the order of a society things but sometimes enjoy so little flexibility that border on the ridiculous. In the case of soccer we can find it with the fine that the Superior Court of Sports Justice of Brazil has imposed on Chapecoense. Nada más y nada menos que 30.000 dollars and the loss of 3-0 for not showing up to play his last game of the Brazilian league against Atletico Mineiro.

After the death of almost all equipment, technical and managerial body of the club, Chapecoense y Atlético Mineiro, like is logic, They decided that last game should not be played. A decision that meant everyone but the institution decided to impose the same sanction to rival Chape. A story that is the less absurd for ordinary mortals.

Both Atlético Mineiro and Chapecoense, faced the final day with nothing at stake being the two qualifiers for the Copa Libertadores but it is quite shocking that in a tragedy of such magnitude as that suffered by the Brazilian team in Colombia, it was decided to adopt this type of sanction. We'll see if removed or end remains in effect. Things bureaucracy.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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