Detailed information

Información detallada

Last update 20 May, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

The philosophy of the Campus will revolve around these three concepts: sport-football, education and coexistence. It is aimed at children from all over Spain, with ages between 6 y 17 años (f-8 y f-11).

The capacity of the Campus will be 100 participants. In the internal modality, the child is 24 hours of the day on campus; while in external regime, the child, once the day is over, returns home to sleep.

For all daily transfers between the hotel, sports city and water park, We will have a private bus that will be in charge of making trips throughout the week.

The Campus will have the following coaches:

– Pepe Martinez Puig(Goalkeeping coach of the Levante UD first team during 12 años)
– Jose Vicente Gómez (Currently in the Levante Ud first team and goalkeeping coach in Buñol)
– Javier Zaragoza (Pepe Martinez Puig's assistant goalkeeper coach)
– Alberto Llopis (Coach at the Alboraya school)
– Maria Perez (Levante Women's Player)
– 2 Segorbe coaches.

The Campus will also have 2 Monitors:

– Raul Peyrolon
– Javi martinez

The Campus coordinator will be Guzmán Peyrolon

-The Campus will have specialized training for goalkeepers taught by Pepe Martínez Puig.

Way to pay

Students who register, They must pay €100 at the time of registration. The remaining amount, whether for internal or external students, It can be paid in small amounts until the total amount is reached..

La Caixa account number: 2100 5085 63 0100261561

Activity planning (pincha aquí)


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