England are seeking their first major title since 1966

Inglaterra busca su primer gran título desde 1966
The English team is the favorite for the European Championship title. FOTO: english football federation

Last update 9 July, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

There is no doubt that this edition of the Eurocopa is being the most special. We are witnessing a vibrant tournament, with surprises and with a great show. We could say that this chapter may mark a turning point in the history of the competition, teniendo, precisamente, to the inventors of this game as great protagonists. And it is yes, although it sounds weird, Inglaterra is one step away from being champion.

The English team has grown as the competition progressed, hanging the band of favorite as the playoffs followed. Slowly, has been making its way and has reached the grand final.

On Sunday, nothing more and nothing less than against Italia, will take place the match that all the English have been waiting for for a long time 55 años, when they savored success in the Mundial de 1966.

More than five decades later, England can be champion again

The history of football has not been very fair to those who gave it life. Inglaterra, one of the great powers of this sport, which has what for many is the best domestic league on the planet, he has hardly had joys with his national team.

La ‘Three Lion’, as it is popularly known, has only been able to savor success in the Copa del Mundo de 1966, where he defeated by 4-2 a Germany in a controversial duel that would be resolved in overtime with Wembley As a Witness.

A partir de ahí, the English team has not lifted any great title again. The closest it has come to that were the two third places achieved in the Eurocopas de 1968 y 1996.

Precisamente, It is in the continental tournament where Inglaterra more hurt has always been, since he has never had any real options to reign in Europa, except until this year where he will play his first final.

All the wind blows in England's favor

Inglaterra has reached the last rung of the brand new ladder of Euro doing many things well, but maybe, for many, his journey has not been the most uncomfortable.

And is that the English team, to reach the final, as it has been, I would be the only one who would play 6 de los 7 home games. Además, the semifinals and that grand final also had the Estadio Wembley as stage.

But if that wasn't enough, It should be noted that the restrictions imposed by the British government have meant that foreign fans can hardly access the country, leaving the local public as the majority fans, and very broadly.

Circumstances like these have surely helped, and a lot, to what Inglaterra can break his negative streak and make history for the first time in a Eurocopa.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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