The Red Fury among the favorite teams to win Euro 2020

La Furia Roja entre los equipos favoritos para ganar Euro 2020
This is Luis Enrique's list for the Eurocup. FOTO: RFEF

Last update 12 June, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

After a year of uncertainty and waiting due to the ravages of Covid-19, por fin se celebra la Eurocopa 2021, the most anticipated European football event for sports lovers. Every four years, las twenty-four national teams get ready to compete for the award of the region. After fifty-one games, it will be known who is the winner of the event. Desde el 11 June and until 11 de julio, the fans will be able to enjoy the clashes between the teams that represent the European nations.

The Spanish team promises

Among the all-time favorites is España, one of the two countries with most Euro Cups won (1964, 2008, 2012), at the by Germany (1972, 1980, 1996). Sin embargo, this year seems to be your year. It is expected that the player potential together with the good leadership of the squad, place the Spanish team on the winners' podium. With the direction of Luis Enrique Martínez y Sergio Busquets as second captain of the red team, Spain aims high. Motivated and ready for the show, the rest of the members are part of the promises of sport on an international level.

The Spanish team has been placed within the grupo E, beside Suecia, Polonia y Slovakia. Spain will face for the first time the 14 June with Sweden. And it should beat the remaining two in the corresponding matches without great complication (19 y 23, respectively) to keep advancing. The final game will take place in Wembley, London.

Accompany the Spanish team

To keep the triumphant spirit of the Red Fury, the game operator Sisal has decided to dedicate its best sports betting odds to the victory of Spain (the Sisal fee is 12.00). This way, when betting on said selection, the Spanish public will be able to support your team, at the same time you would get a bigger profit if they become the victors.

As is the custom in Sisal, the bets will cover the entire event and they will be of various types so that the different players can join one or the other. A) Yes, por ejemplo, may bet on the winning team alone or together with the top scorer footballer; o, on the contrary, by the selection that will finish last. And for the best players, odds such as a player's score at a precise moment of the match will be added, or on a penalty or on a free kick. Thanks to Sisal, it will be possible ¡enjoy the Euro and support the team!

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