Worker fired Arsenal, a story of those football that look like film

De obrero despedido al Arsenal, una historia de esas de fútbol que parecen de película
Cohem Bramall traded an assembly line for Arsenal in just 3 weeks. Foto: Arsenal

Last update 25 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Imagine: do you have 20 years and just being fired from work where you work as an operator of an assembly line, you play in the seventh division of English football and overnight, you just posing with Arsene Wenger in your presentation as Arsenal player. The story told well, film seems however is real. Tell that to Cohem Bramall until the 20 from December to 2016, It was one of many English workers and receiving the bad news being fired.

Never a dismissal letter was so sweet and just 3 weeks after, the kid was going to fulfill the dream of many people, become professional and in a team like Arsenal. Coincidences of life, one of the Arsenal scouts watched him play in a game of U-23 where it was tested. This twist of fate, She led him to glory. Mayor was when in his first training session, Bramall way to work with players of the second team of Arsenal and found that she was going to train with older was.

"I worked for Bentley Motors in Crewe. I did on the production line, loading the cars with gas, brake fluid, wipers and stuff. Everyday, from Monday to Friday, de las 6:30 morning to 5:15 pm. I enjoyed it, but when you do the day's work and then you train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, vas de Crewe a Brimingham, and you play on Saturdays, It is exhausting. I was fired before Christmas. I needed a full salary, I not am paying me half the Hednesford, so I started thinking about finding a new job ", the player told in an interview to the BBC. Arsenal took the player for 50.000 pounds in a nice football history.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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