The selection of Saudi Arabia did not observe minute of silence for the victims of the bombing of London

La selección de Arabia Saudí no respetó minuto de silencio por las victimas del atentado de Londres
La selección de Arabia Saudí no respetó el minuto de silencio. Foto: Youtube

Last update 8 June, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

It happened in the qualifying match for the World 2018 which was held in the Australian city of Adelaide, at the meeting they disputed local, Australia, against the selection of Saudi Arabia. It had stipulated a minute of silence before the game for the victims of the attack last Saturday 3 June in London. So far so normal until there was a pretty ugly detail it is that the Saudi team did not respect this minute.

While Australian players hugged at midfield and the public kept an absolute silence, Saudi footballers moved through the field waiting for the shock would start. boots tied, heated, anything but respect the minute's silence. A horrible and disrespectful gesture.

football hung

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