Suspenders bring more players to Euro 2016

Las ligas que aportan más jugadores a la Eurocopa 2016

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Euro starts, begins the spectacle of football teams in the old continent. Hace no mucho, We tell you what were the final list for Euro 2016 and now we take a little step to tell, leagues that bring more players to the highest European tournament selections. The list leaves some surprises. These are the links that bring more players to Euro 2016.

  1. Inglaterra (Premier): el fútbol inglés, he represented in their top divisions is that more players brings to the EURO 2016 con 137 players in total 522 who they are invited to the tournament.
  2. Germany (Bundesliga): Germans contribute to Euro 2016 nothing more and nothing less than 65 players, being like this, the second league tournament brings more players.
  3. Italia (A series): the Italian league takes 56 Euro players 2016 despite losing prestige in recent years
  4. Turquía (Turkish Super League): by surprise, Turkish league is the fourth tournament that brings more players to Euro 2016 con 36 players.
  5. España (BBVA League): Spanish football despite being the tournament since winning country 2008, only provides 35 players of the 522 of the tournament. Most of them go to the Spanish team itself.
  6. Rusia (Deer Premier League): Russian tournament takes 32 Euro players 2016.
  7. Francia (Ligue 1): the host country only takes 22 local tournament players.
  8. Ukraine (Premier of Ukraine): Cold tournament Ukraine brings surprise and despite the social problems in the country, 20 Euro players 2016.
  9. Poland and Switzerland: leagues Poland and Switzerland put to 15 players each in this European Championship 2016.

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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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