Los 5 sports that make Mexico the country that is

Los 5 deportes que hacen a México el país que es
These are the most practiced sports in Mexico. FOTO: Millennium

Last update 14 September, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Sports are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in Mexico.

Among the disciplines most followed by the residents of this beautiful country are soccer, boxing and baseball, even though none of them are considered a favorite pastime of Mexicans.

In fact, only a 42% of the Mexican population practices some sport or performs some form of physical exercise according to studies by the Mexican National Institute of Statistics and Geography. In this sense, it could be said that for the Mexican it is more entertaining to watch sports than to be part of them.

On the other hand, the population that enjoys watching sports games – the mexican fanatic – is usually quite competitive and this, together with the statistics cited above, explain why online sports betting are increasingly popular in that country.

A continuación, We will delve a little more into the most popular sports in Mexico and how Mexicans enjoy them not only by watching them, but also taking bets as part of this hobby.

The most popular sports in the country

#1 – Soccer or Football

He fútbol heads the top of Mexican sports, positioning itself as one of the most practiced, though and, and is consumed in the sports betting environment.

In fact, Mexico is considered the sixth country in the world where the majority of its population identifies with soccer.

The Mexican league is the fourth competition with the largest number of followers worldwide, considered an "elite" league due to its high level in the administrative and technological field.

On the other hand, when it comes to sports betting, The first division of Mexican soccer is the national competition that moves the most money among fans and advertisers.

#2 – Boxing

The boxing, It is the second most popular sport among the Mexican population and one of those that has granted the country the most achievements in both the amateur and professional categories. In fact, Mexico takes first place among the countries with the greatest number of world boxing championships to its credit.

At the International Boxing Hall of Fame in New York there are currently 18 Mexican boxers enrolled.

Some names like Ricardo “Finito” López and Saul “Canelo” Álvarez, are some of those who have filled boxing fans with emotions. Sin embargo, la list of mexican boxers with an excellent international track record is quite long.

For those who bet on boxing it is very interesting to predict the round where the knockout will be achieved since, as a result of said bet, you can make a good profit.

#3 – Baseball

He ranks third even though his fans consider him "the king of sports".

Some of the most popular Mexican baseball teams are the Red Devils, the Sultans of Monterrey, and the Tires of Quintana Roo.

Mexican baseball is projected to become one of the favorite sports of Mexicans and it cannot be denied that professional baseball is a good option to make money in sports betting..

There are two major leagues comprised of 15 teams each. The National League y Pacific league are made up of three geographical divisions: central, este y oeste.

Mexicans of approximately 50 years onwards are those who most enjoy this sport and the seasons are usually considered a relevant event in the country.

The game schedule is similar to that of the United States and many of the best players in Mexico belong to an American team..

#4 – Bullfighting or bullfighting

Mexico is the country with the largest number of high level bullrings and bullfighters and this practice has a history of more than 500 years in the country, Despite the controversy and criticism about this sport due to the animal abuse it entails.

Bullfighting is considered a legal activity in the country, although it was prohibited some years, and the largest bullring in the world is located in Mexico City, known as La Monumental.

Bets are never lacking when it comes to bullfighting, where spectators bet on the best bullfighters in the country and on the results of each match.

#5 – Charrería.

It is considered the national sport of Mexico that is born from the work of the cowboys and their life on the haciendas during colonial times, from which the famous “charro” costume also arises..

Despite the fact that a very small percentage of the population practices this sport due to the clothing it requires and the high cost of maintaining the horses, Nor can it be said that it lacks spectators in the country.

The Llanos de Apan are the cradle of charrería and these are part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity desde el 2016.

There are schools and associations dedicated to the training of charros who train them for tournaments, national competitions, and public contests that are held for spectators to admire the qualities and skills of charros on foot or on horseback.

football hung

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