The youngest teams in Europe in 2016

Los equipos más jóvenes de Europa en 2016
FOTO: Imagen de Stefan Schweihofer en Pixabay

Last update 17 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

¿Quiénes son the youngest teams in Europe in 2016? In the world of football, careers are short-lived. Por este motivo, players burn stages more quickly and reach, with a little luck, Elite increasingly early stage. There are many clubs who bet on young players. He CIES Football Observatory has released a ranking of the teams with the lowest average age of the five main European leagues.

And talent and age are not at odds.. Every time, There are more young people who are beginning to emerge earlier and are beginning to make a place for themselves in the always competitive world of professional football.. In Europe it is increasingly common that the trend is to trust these, As an old TV commercial said, JASP (jóvenes aunque sobradamente preparados). Let's review these teams that have decided to implement youth as their flag and path to achieve success..

The youngest teams in Europe in 2016

He Toulouse es el youngest team in Europe in this 2016. It highlights that 9 de los 20 of the list are German football teams. That speaks volumes about the tendency of German teams to sign and trust young talent.. 6 they are french. 2 Spanish people, 2 French and 1 Italian complete the ranking of the youngest teams in Europe in 2016.


Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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