Favorites to win the America's Cup 2019

Los favoritos para ganar la Copa América 2019
The America's Cup 2019 will be held in Brazil

Last update 27 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Which team will win the Copa America 2019? With summer comes, we will have a new edition of the American tournament selections par excellence this year will be played in Brazil. The country carioca, It has a powerful infrastructure created for the last World 2014 y ahora albergará esta Copa América.

Equipos participantes y sedes de la Copa América 2019

The tournament will feature the participation of 10 teams in the South American Football Confederation, además de las selecciones asiáticas de Japón y Catar que acudirán a esta Copa en calidad de invitadas.

The America's Cup 2019 Brazil will be held in 6 sedes diferentes: Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Arena Corinthians of Sao Paulo, el Mineirao in Belo Horizonte, the Beira Rio Stadium in Porto Alegre and the Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador

Favorites to win the America's Cup 2019

Bets are inclined potential, history and for hosting the tournament, Although Brazil companies operating in Argentina does not rule out his part as a second choice in the betting although lately and although they have Leo Messi, The best player in the world, no andan nada finos.

The Chileans, reigning champions and winners of the last two editions (2015 y 2016) third start betting to win the tournament although brands available in Chile no descartan a los suyos como posibles ganadores del torneo por tercera vez consecutiva.

Como no, the fourth in the betting is another of the powers of South American football. Los providers available in Colombia betting that their country, which will feature excellent level players and revaluated in European football players and contrasted well as Falcao and James, They give war in this America Cup 2019 that of course, se presenta apasionante.

Surprisingly, such a strong team like Uruguay, Partly as a favorite fifth in a tournament that will complete Ecuador, Venezuela, Paraguay, Perú, Bolivia, who starts as underdog team tournament, además de los antes mencionados Japón y Qatar que llegarán como invitados.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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