The big favorites to win the Euro Cup 2024

Los grandes favoritos a ganar la Eurocopa 2024
Who will win the next Euro Cup?? FOTO: Dephosito Fotos

Last update 23 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

La Eurocopa 2024 is once again presented as an exciting stage where the great football powers of the continent, They will seek to win glory. In this case only 3 years after the previous edition that was played due to the pandemic in 2021 instead of in 2020 As planned. Tres años después, The competition is once again very close and the question asked in Retabet, It's about who will be crowned the European football monarch in the Euro Cup 2024.

La Eurocopa 2024 It is played in Germany

Germany will host the Euro 2024 which will be played between 14 of June and 14 de julio de 2024 in some cities like Hamburg, Munich, Dortmund, Stuttgart and Cologne among others. The final, It will be held in the Olympic stadium in Berlin. The home of Hertha.

Who are the favorites to win the title??

Among the favorites to win the trophy, selections with glorious stories and squads full of talent stand out. Teams like France, current runner-up world champion, They arrive with a formidable combination of young stars and experienced players. The defensive solidity, the power in the midfield and the scoring ability of footballers like Griezmann, who is also one of the top historical scorers in the competition, They place them as one of the great candidates to win the Euro Cup once again.

You cannot ignore traditionally powerful teams like Spain, Known for its possession-based style of play and an inexhaustible pool of talent. With an emerging generation of world-class footballers and lots of talent and chutzpah, La Roja is expected to be led by Luis De la Fuente, deploy a colorful and effective game that postulates them as serious contenders for the title.

The always dangerous Germany is also among the favorites, with an ability to reinvent oneself and adapt to big events. They may not be in the best moment, but whenever a big tournament comes, They are among the favorites to lift it.

Other great teams that have had a brilliant qualifying phase and that have knocked on the door are the Portugal of the incombustible Cristiano Ronaldo, which has done its best in the group stage and that arrives surrounded by talent and young hunger.. Y como no, the team that is for many the biggest favorite, the england team. It has been a long time since British football has presented such a complete selection in terms of players and profiles and a lot is expected of them in the bets to be the winning team of the Euro Cup. 2024.

La Eurocopa 2024 It promises to be a vibrant scene where these and I'm sure there will be some covered ones that will surprise you and that you don't count on at the beginning., will compete for the coveted title. The surprises, The emotion and passion for football will come together in every match as in every Euro Cup.. A competition that will stop Europe next summer and for which many are already anxious. Meanwhile, you can play some games online casino real money.

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